/cum/ - Canada, US, Mexico

fuck /brit/ edition

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Reminder: politics are dumb and stupid

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pls dont filter me

gonna visit my parents and pet their cats :)
my landlord doesn't allow pets

Rey is the best Star Wars character

are italian looking dudes like this the ideal american physique?

found this gem, thoughts?

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IQ is a terrible measure of intelligence. Wealth and height are better correlations on success than IQ score.

dumb meme
both are factual statements
absolutely nonsensical post


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bought some ram and it came with TWO stickers

I post left leaning memes even (especially) if they're shitty


This is completely untrue

true, but chuds assume that IQ is intrinsically tied to race while disregarding nurture

>They suck corporate ass and do everything in their power to take away the few remaining crumbs that people have left
Democrats do the same thing, they sold their souls to big business and turned their backs on the working class 30 years ago so they could win elections. Things like NAFTA and ACA were gifts to big business in their industry

does that make it faster?

/cum/ niggas eating nutt butter lol

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so you control for those factors if they're having a quantifiable impact the fuck

IQ tests are the phrenology of the present day



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>Democrats do the same thing, they sold their souls to big business and turned their backs on the working class
Yes, and it was painfully obvious this year. Only place democrats made gains was in upper class style suburbs.

the amount of money donated by uber rich types to biden was massively more than what trump got from the rich

wall street donations to biden >>>>>>> trump

that's why biden is putting wall street back into office

>have to call it creme because they can't legally call it cream
they can't call terry's oranges "chocolate oranges" here. They are a "chocolately confection".

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>IQlets whining again

this is not back by SCIENCE!!!

Sure, both parties are corporate shills. That doesn't make populism any less stupid.

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"Science" is an incredibly corrupt field right now. Medicine and Psychology in particular are completely out to lunch. Fabricated data, impossible conclusions, etc. Look at what happened when a cunt who runs a psychology publication got called out:

i've encountered way more people who think the opposite of that, never ran into someone who believed in race and cognitive ability, that thought nurture was meaningless
but i haven't met everyone

I kinda want to try fucking some boipussy

i'll try having no sticker and do a benchmark, then add a sticker, benchmark, then another and let you know the results
gonna start saying random access memory to avoid being accused of being gay ever again

phrenology is obviously real, arguably moreso than IQ

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>look, I made this 70 IQ retard into an 80 IQ dumbass by way of pounding him with good nutrition and public education

Ok.. congrats.

Lots of /cum/ posters to stretch

Tim Pool is the only rational voice in politics

so little evidence they could even see a 10pt bump

what a moron

lol jesus
surprised how many people don't know about oil fires and water

education does not increase IQ. it improves your knowledge base but not your intellect

Fuck anyone named caleb

not to be mean, but abos literally don't even look human

you can always tell if you're talking to a brainlet because they can't understand this intrinsically.

It does improve score on IQ tests, this implies that it's not a perfect measurement

my cousin's name is caleb and he was a jerk, now he has MS so he's not really capable of being a jerk anymore though

I think the IQ and race differences thing could be true, but then you would have to accept that black men have more testosterone than white men which would be part of the racial differences.

why are you guys so concern about IQ all of a sudden?

yeah they do, they also have a lot more estrogen

Society seems to generally accept blacks are more athletic, but recoils when you suggest whites are naturally smarter. Yet liberals will still treat them like dumb babies anyway.

plays into huwhite identity politics (a Zig Forums(nel) classic)