
Sanction those evil mountain germans.
They got rich in the first place off of our stolen money anyways.

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Is this Chinese influence? What did Vietnam and Austria do to China?

>The signing of the Plaza Accord had a profound effect on Japan, as it led to the Japanese asset price bubble of the late 1980s. This was the catalyst which ultimately led to the Lost Decade starting in the early 1990s, whose effects are still heavily felt in modern Japan.
>The devaluation made U.S. exports cheaper to purchase for its trading partners, which in turn allegedly meant that other countries would buy more American-made goods and services. The Plaza Accord failed to help reduce the U.S.-Japan trade deficit, but it did reduce the U.S. deficit with other countries by making U.S. exports more competitive.

>usa starts sanctioning europe
And the Euro-Chinese alliance starts in 3... 2...

You aren't European, future United Statesian

Amazing how the US gov seethes at us 24/7. We're constantly on some of their blacklists

Why are burguers trying this much to collapse their meme republic

>United Statesian
it even sounds retarded

Trump being a fat crybaby loser because the Supreme Court won't override democratic law and just "make" him president for another four years so he's causing as much possible destruction as he can before he's escorted out by the Secret Service on Jan 20th.

that's some impressive hypocrisy even for a superpower
will we see another EU ban proposal on all of the swing state products to make this go away?

Only Delaware is allowed to do shady financial activities. When someone else does it it's morally wrong

Older threads:

Cope. We are back to being greatest allies with china now that trump is gone. Joe and Xi will BTFO the "eu"


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What do you call a United States citizen? Never thought about that.



That's not original. You can call anyone living on the American continent an American. What do you call someone living in the United States specifically?

lol the us thinks vietnam is a city in switzerland


we got too cocky vietnam bros

They'll be fine

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>mountain germans

Can't believe the US is still using Agent Orange agianst the Vietnamese

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What game are they playing at here?

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Drumpf is starting shit worldwide so Biden has to battle against all the youtube-drama-tier stuff he's making

Surely these nations realise this and Biden just has to say "sorry for my predecessors remarks, we disavow them" and then everything's fine?

This is as petty as switching all the lights off when he leaves the white house or somthing.


This is just the beginning. Imagine if Trump sanctions the fuck out of China, accuses them of raping and killing their own citizens in the streets, and then declare war on China while sending their entire navy fleet at them.

Biden can't just go "ah sorry, the US rescind everything, our remarks, and we'll withdraw our troops" without getting huge backlash from the public.

Biden can apologize to Europe and rejoin all the international organizations Trump pulled out of no problem. But you can't easily do that with China. Or even Russia, if Trump decides to go that route.