Post cool ruins from your cunt

post cool ruins from your cunt

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Heyyyy I've been there. Shame that the modern native americans live in such shit conditions

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Brutalism before it was cool.

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1200 years older than stonehenge
700 years older than the pyramids

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They’re literally all alcoholics. I’ve never seen something so pervasive in a community before it’s insane

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does europe have a lot of underwater buildings? do they have sharks or crocodiles living in them?

Here's a tower they built.

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the smurfs house

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That looks so beautiful. Imagine the beauty inside.

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comfy :)

ahh the cvltvral heritage of belgivm

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I feel like if I was a homeless person in europe I would just squat in one of the abandoned castles

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>ywn sneak out with your m8s on a late summer's night, climb the mountainlet and look out over your small town from atop a ruined castle

badass, its carved in to the mountain yeah? does it have tunnels inside?

going to the social security office and asking for help would probably be the better idea kek

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Well there isn’t shit to do on the reservation but get drunk or high

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no, I would live in the castle and become king of the homeless and form my own micro cunt and live off free gibs from the eu

yep it's carved, Nabatean style. It doesn't have tunnels, mostly just small rooms.

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