Is one small can of vegetables one can of tuna some mayo one beer and some tostadas enough to fill you up? I'm still hungry
Is one small can of vegetables one can of tuna some mayo one beer and some tostadas enough to fill you up...
For how long?
Until dinner
how much weight was each can? and how long is this meant to last you?
100gr~ each can
until dinner so like 6 and a half hours from now
why can't you have something else if you're hungry? doesn't sound very calorically dense or nutritious for a midday-meal, either.
If you spent your free time surfing Zig Forums surely you can do better than that
you should be ok, but maybe get a snack or something if you still feel hungry
Don't eat anymore or ull become fat
Christ that's grim
I'm fat so I'm trying to lose weight
just eat avocado and boiled chicken with out the skin and only drink water
Image of Mexican Apu always breaks my heart
don't cry for me fren...
Go OMAD if you want to loose weight. I recommend getting a multivitamin. Maybe have a protein shake after fasted cardio if you're feeling like a pig. Your meal should be 200g meat, 50g beans, 50g rice (uncooked). This is what I'm eating in a few hours. It's legit easy mode for me compared to keto and extended fasting (went 9 days without eating once).
When you drop down to sub 185 I suggest going keto to 175 and maybe incorporate T-3 to accelerate fat loss once you get down to 175
>50g rice (uncooked)
You weigh out 50g and boil it in water. 50g is the uncooked weight (This is like a plate of rice and worth 220 cal). If the beans are black it's another 250 cal. If the meat is sausages you're looking at 640 cal. Plus a bit of oyster sauce (50 cal)
You're at 1160 cal. A protien shake with milk will bring you up (250) to 1410 calories. Which is not starvation. You don't know what hunger is yet sweet prince. Having an empty stomach is not the same as hunger i.e. starvation. When you're starving you are not hungry (Your stomach has shut down) You only feel sleepy
Oh I thought you meant to eat the rice uncooked, i understand
I was 340+ lbs. Cut down to 184 lbs in 1.5 years. Now got fat again (due to depression) to 220 lbs. I will get back what I lost! Whores be damned!
Eat just 2 cans of tuna and you’ll be full. Beer and mayo makes you hungry, specially beer
Like look bro, I am pretty sure you can get milk and cheap protons in Mexico. Protons fills you up and won't have your blood sugar roller-coastering making your hungry. Cut the tostadas and beer from your lunch and add a 2 cups of milk 2 scoops proton shake to your meal. It will fill you up and keep you satiated between meals.
He needs corn tortillas or brown rice and other vegetables
its still day time so u can go to a restaurant now
lucky you!
cool frog
Why don’t you buy a taco?
>Latin American
>not eating rice and beans for every meal
by one
I just ate 5 pieces of bbq chicken and 2 servings of sopa fria, however is called in english
That's quite a bit of food, actually.
No. I tend to eat a kilo of milanesas or three burgers.