Today 76 years ago, December 16 1944 the Ardennes counteroffensive started. The US bravely defended Belgium and it was the turning point of the war.
Next time you say shit about us remember that we saved the world with our soldiers’ courage.
Today 76 years ago, December 16 1944 the Ardennes counteroffensive started. The US bravely defended Belgium and it was the turning point of the war.
Next time you say shit about us remember that we saved the world with our soldiers’ courage.
Death to all austrians and germans.
If we could do it again, we wouldn't.
Nobody cares mutt, you're the muttification of a mulatto and a native american.
t. German larpers and favs
We’re gonna burn down whatever shithole flyover state you’re from first, so you understand who truly owns and runs this country
>hint: it’s the places where all the people and money are
turning point was Moscow 1941, Stalingrad 1942/43, or Kursk 1943 at the absolute latest
Battle of the Bulge uwu. Was it a cute bulge?
Also thanks US
I like bulges, if there was one I really liked I would even battle for it
Hans, those were insignificant
Why are americans so weak ?
Hans. Dont get cocky
German killed: 4,200,000
American killed: 406,000
You're a fucking retard, Germans were going to lose after Stalingrad, it was a matter of when and not if
Hans, change your flag
I'm American you dipshit
>North Rhine-Westphalia
Isn't that where the siegfried line was?
When did you realize that American war history was basically a tutorial game all the time?
That includes civilian dead you retard.
still, allies lost 2x military men lol
so user they both include civilians and 5 times more allied died. not to mention that stat isnt evenc lose for the right side or the left.
>swallowing the bait
Because of China
The Pacific Theater was quite complicated with its unprecedented amount of island hopping + modern combined arms
Why should civilian deaths count? Just because the Japs killed 500,000 chinamen in one city?
>be american
>join wars when it´s already over
and then they manipulated the media to say that they were the ones that contributed the most
what a fragile country
>turning point of the war
>Be german
>starts wars you can only lose
>turning point of the war.
legitimate question do you unironicly belive this?
does the average american also belive this?
>what is lend\lease
The average American actually thinks they won WWI, or at least contributed to victory in a significant way. Let's not even mention WWII.
I pity you and your education system
>"we are staying neutral in this war"
>*ships tanks and aircraft to Canada*
>*shuts off oil to Japan*
maybe in the beginning but by the time you were in iwo and okinawa it was more or less routine, plus you outnumbered the japanese 100:1 in terms of ships and planes
>Battle of Bulge
>turning point of the war
its not even the biggest German defeat of 1944, and even if it was Germany had been losing the war since Stalingrad
>The US bravely defended Belgium and it was the turning point of the war
Nice propaganda, cletus.
oh my i thought it was only online