Did you know that Algerian women in their thousands are defying conservative Islamists by wearing bikinis?
Did you know that Algerian women in their thousands are defying conservative Islamists by wearing bikinis?
>thick nafris are becoming liberal to sex sex sex
thank you politics
Wow shes in her thousands? Doesnt look a day over 30
I legit want to fuck a thick algerians girl but I still hate nafri...how?
If I were a women, I'd hate this retarded religion even more. Holy fuck, you can't even go to the beach without covering yourself 95%
Meanwhile in France some "women" are fighting to be able to wear burkinis. Would gladly trade them for some thicc Algerians.
They might become coal burners like Western women
>in their thousands
Wtf nobody lives that long
Watching the race between Islam and Liberalism is highly entertaining. Will conservative Islam fall to the liberal West? Or will Europe break under a new caliphate? Time will tell!
muzzies are being rapidly assimilated into globohomo
I wish an algerian woman could deny their conservative islamists enough to marry me
When you truly hate something you end up falling in love with it
Liberal West will inevitably wins, nafris zoomers don't give a shit about Islam
yet they can both still come together to laugh at the absolute retardation of the Americans every once in a while
this, obviously the future is brown and globohomo
I am glad we help the world unite :)
retard, America is the epicenter of globohomo liberalism
As a brown homo, it fills me with joy :)
>nafris zoomers don't give a shit about Islam
With thick women like that wearing just a bikini, it's pretty understandable.
Does the sentence mean something else? Thats how I read it
Made for white big cock. It's over for nafri mutilated dicks.
>Algerians women in their thousands
>Algerians women in their 1000s (age)
And when they do, it's always in the gayest, most libtard, Westernized way possible.
this is how interpret it, what do they mean?
Why aren't they being stoned? Are Algerian men the beta muslims?
Imagine how awkward to be the girl of thw right with all the wet clothing on you.
Why even bother going to the beach at that point
The future is chinks genetically engineered to look white and globohomo. Not a bad future tbqh.
actual braindead retards
Whoever made the article is bad at formulating things if people misunderstand it
can you repeat that in english?
lmao defending retarded english slag reporter writing are we?