>england isn't a third world cou-
England isn't a third world cou-
Theyre not actually delivering food they're just giving money to a UK charity.
>giving money to a UK charity
a charity for the UK?
>they’re not giving food, they’re just giving money to give people food. They’re totally not giving food, buying someone food and giving them isn’t the same
Import third world.
Become third world.
West is lost.
>UN agencies overfeeding, stuffing, and fattening africans in ghettos is a sign of the third world
you become what you colonize
Let the little black cunts starve
I am tired of first world I want this county to become third world
The third world is already third world. Move there instead of dragging down a first world country and ruining it for others.
First world is overrated AF desu
England + wales had 53 800 rapes in 2017?
You guys have some serious raping going on
all me
you are going to become a subhuman indian who can't speak english?
Courtesy of Pakistan
loool shutup man what do you know abt pakistan
> sweden has only 1/8 of germany's population
It's coronavirus related aid, big deal, just means we get automatic international preferential treatment while Germany, for example, is diplomatically unable to do anything about things like industrial espionage from other countries and sometimes acquiesces to and even cooperates with it, because since Hitler you lot aren't allowed to substantially stand up to anyone ever again
We're so rich we threw money at people to the point where they didn't learn to take care of themselves or their offspring. A true mark of success, this is.
rape RAPE or the modern definition of rape? aka the uggo at the office talked to her
I will tell my children of the starving kids in the UK when they don't eat up their meals
>because since Hitler you lot aren't allowed to substantially stand up to anyone ever again
Pretty sure that was the cope of the day before ww2.
rape RAPE otherwise Spain would be higher
massive cope
vacuous response
On judgement day, the earth will split, and He will sift between his faithful and Americans, and the Americans will be cast down to burn for all eternity.