Am I the only one in here who misses the cinema?

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Never been in one.

No friends so I can't go to the movies or people will think of me as a loser

My dad has a home theater with an atmos system and a big fuckin projector with big comfy recliners.
No, I do not miss the cinema.

there are no good movies so it's fine


I don't really watch movies and I don't understand why you'd pick cinema vs home if you had the option to choose. I guess action and scary movies are better in theaters

when matrix 4 comes out ill probably go see it

Because friends and going outside is healthy

Some films, especially action/sci fi are just better to watch in a big cinema.

i only go there if i am extremely extremely bored. it's a waste of time and money honestly

>thanks for the ride Trinity
>it's Trent now

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the only time i have had a theater full of people and it was a positive experience was seeing spiderman 3, the first midnight showing, 2007. we were all cracking jokes and laughing. when it got quiet somebody would say something hilarious.

my point is this has happened once. ever. in my life. every other time you are in a crowded theater, it is full of nothing but annoying fat assholes.

he's going to be johnny silverhand for me now

I've been going to the cinema since July. If your countries took the virus seriously at first you could have opened up again already.

The cinemas here have been replaying old classics. Which is actually pretty comfy.

>The cinemas here have been replaying old classics. Which is actually pretty comfy.
this is the only reason i go to mine, but it's still a waste of money when i can just download it for free

Ah, yes, nothing says healthy like sitting for hours in a dark, stuffy place that reeks of popcorn and farts. And no better environment to develop a friendship than a place where you can't talk to others.

Cinemas are for manchildren and literal children
>hurr durr le big screen and le loud sound xdddd

have sex

I miss it too but I don't what the one guy who is responsible for his parents death because he wanted to see a movie.

Argentina has cinemas?

is he wrong?

t. whore

Why wouldn't it?

Man sequels decades after the last movies are a mistake.

Even normalfags would stay inside at chad's house with his 64k tv screen and then party afterwards
The "keep cinema alive" is a meme pushed by the usual people because it generates more money

cinema is trash

cinema is going the way of the dodo with the rise of services like netflix and the ever-advancing screen technologies
which is fine by me, why go to the cinema and be stuck in a room full of people you don't know who make noise when i can enjoy the same cinematic experience in the comfort of my own place

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It's just fun if you have people to go with.

the cinema makes better popcorn than I

>when i can enjoy the same cinematic experience in the comfort of my own place
you can't th- (almost activated him whoops)
you don't have a gigantic screen and speaker system

nigga is DARK in there bruh .. aint no one be seein u

jesus christ

>go to cinema
>find our seats
>sit down
>try to focus on movie
>people are chewing candy and stuff with their mouths open
>people are laughing overly loud for no reason
>more loud chewing
>someone starts coughing
>see the glare of a cellphone display
>snack wrappings making sound
>more fake laughter
>movie ends, walk out and never return

That was the last time I visited a cinema. Fuck that. Home cinema is the thing. I rather go the rest of my life without another movie than set foot in a crowded cinema again.

it's a good place to fuck your gf

>a gigantic screen and speaker system

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it's awkward being in a large room of people and being shown advertisements and movies. i am always gauging the response of the crowd and it's extremely painful; ie. the cringe chamber

plus you get schizos and freaks in the theater

very weird post when that sort of individual almost certainly watches netflix

activated who though


He didn't know though.

Yes and no.
I loved the aura of a cinema, the anxiety to watch the movie, the smell of popcorn.

The problem is that today the vast majority of new movies are unwatchable garbage

i do have a rather big screen and good speaker system
sure they're not as good as the ones i can find when visiting the cinema but it isn't cost-effective considering all the hassle it entails

>posts someone who probably has 4 different streaming subscriptions

The first sequel was already a mistake

>If your countries took the virus seriously
t. half the population of england on a remote island the size of europe