Is it culturally acceptable in your country to marry a slut?
Would you marry a woman that was fucked by another man?
Is it culturally acceptable in your country to marry a slut?
All brides have been fucked by another man.
It's expected that a swedish woman has had at least 50 partners before marriage
Maybe only 3% of women wait to marriage to have sex
it's not acceptable when everyone knows your bride is a whore but some truth isn't meant to be said
After teens its just rotten vaginas
do swedes really?
I allow my wife to be satisfied by black men
Yep and we have ceremonial BBC break in partys for every girl at her 18th birthday
its going to be less when the younger generation gets older.
>Would you marry a woman that was fucked by another man?
Yes, as long as she has no STDs
My current gf was a virgin when we met and we've been dating for 7 years. Shes a 7/10 and is pretty loyal. Problem is that my mom does not like her and I'm kinda bored of that long relationship.
What do I do bros
>Pretending american women are better
Based Sweden
Imagine wanting to promise to spend the rest of your life with some sex amateur who never learned how to ride a cock. Yikes.
you deserve to be beaten into reality
you could have been the incelest of incels
Good bait
The only people that care if girls are still Virgins are incels, because they want someone who is as sexually inexperienced as them
at least American women are ugly enough to not fuck around as much.
No, I've had sex over a dozen times and want a virgin wife.
>at least American women are ugly enough to not fuck around as much.
How disconnected from reality are you ?
Massive cuck
Marry her
Its not bait its legit bros
Tell me what should I do
Its not like i'm unhappy, I'm just bored and wanna fuck other women
And my mom -really- does not like her
are you 15? if not, go live with her and create a solid future, retard
You're the cuck for not giving a white woman the black dick she deserves
You can stop now
how so?
You don't think american women are sleeping around
Its not funny you cuck
I've already given up in finding a virgin girl in order to be her first as she would be my first.
Now I'm on my way to give up in finding a girl whatsoever, wish me good luck
your mom's opinion shouldn't count.
BUT, if YOU are really bored, and you don't feel love for her, break up
>woman that was fucked by another man
Not necesarily, are you an incel?