
kwik save edition

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Never ordered takeaway in my life.

>Twitch now says that you can no longer call others 'simp', 'incel', and 'virgin' as they are now against TOS, along with any emotes relating to the term simp

he was changing the music on his phone.. smdh somebody will forward it to DVLA

just pissed myself

>Never ordered takeaway in my life.

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mummy and daddy do it for you

anyone on twitch is all of the above anyway

lmao he does as well, actually had to swerve to avoid the hedge

twink bf 2021
femboy bf 2021
catboy bf 2021
sissy bf 2021


this is making me wanna play stardew

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you'll work for me one day

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finally someone taking a stand against incelphobia and virgin shaming

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Just back from the four hour post-wank nap. I miss owt?

What game's that
Looks like a rip-off of both Stardew Valley and Factorio

any genshin impact man in?


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what game is it

on the A303 to Yeovil, then taking the ring road over to Sherbourne to get to DT9 6PU. Got a brick in the boot of my car, im going to smash this cunts face in

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>the kraut is STILL seething

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>south london
great it'll be going to the nogs then

Prediction: that soundbar gets taken back for a refund.

thank fuck i left that shithole when i did lmao

Strange inference. You okay?

Quite like a chubby lass but they're all cantankerous

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don't do drugs kids

>Food bank use in Germany and France is much higher than in the United Kingdom. In 2014, 1,500,000 people used food banks once a week in Germany.
>Unlike the UK, there is a national food-bank organisation in Germany, known as the Tafel - the German word for table. It runs more than 940 individual "food banks" in the network.

Mental that this is a headline

Paki smokeshop tried to charge me $20 for this then $15 and then $12.
Told him I had $10 and he settled.
Fucking thieves

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rozzers at the door again gonna tell the to go back to plebbit

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wtf is thsi

1 month off the cigarettes. feels good to be able to take a deep breath through my lungs. not as good as the first cigarette of the morning but still

He was changing the radio silly bastard lol

and 2019/2020?

mad how easy it was to rumble you

stop posting this utter manchild

>y*nkoid hands

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im getting really sick of you

not that user but it's project zomboid

>talk shit
>ahaha rumbled


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plebbit is great for amateur porn
I love all the fat lasses and insecure slags who just want attention from one or two guys ever few days to feel good about themselves

just finished a fag i have haha

He films his full address all the time so people will send him stuff, go fookin' raaaand

keep coping you utter gregg head

who is this utter wank pheasant?

Do any chungus's go to your schools /brit/?

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At this point I hate the spam and spammer more than James Felton himself, some feat

‘emember when 189 said he was well liked here


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I'm African. Just like yank tobacco

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drinking by yourself feesls so pointless i should be going to a club and hitting on randoms ffs that's what it's about

apostacy is it?
shariah is very clear on this

jeff that you mate?

>those calcified hands
christ put those away cletus

who's 189

You're just a fat cunt who can't imagine life with slop made by pakis

>known as the Tafel - the German word for table
That isn't the German word for table though

have sex

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keep crying

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where's 189


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where are your menthols
jokes aside love camel pearl methols me


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banged up for threatening are aish

Congratulations, you defeated little James Felton. I'm impressed, but wankmuffin brexshitters like you will never Punt the Dunt

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have you ever eaten a boob

Where's your parents mate

on balance muse weren't really that bad just insufferable fan base

they were dogshit mate

There was this one fat kid at my school
He was an alright bloke
Pinnacle of my athletic career was when I beat him and this other kid who'd winded themselves sprinting at the start of the race in the three kilometres

yup thta's why i drink, dweeb

i've tried to suck one into my belly

How is it that she did such a number on 190? 6 years of boring us to death with his inane opinions, 6 years of us giving him abuse over it, then when a woman pokes fun at him he runs away.

Nice. Yeah I like a nice cigarette. Just always preferred dip
Not into menthols but love minty dip. Camel golds Turkish blend for me pls bossman

do you mean sucked tits ye for sure most interesting is when they got a piercing adds extra texture nd taste

playing music on the bus out loud to make the virgins seethe

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yeah you know what i like in my music?
droning fucking vocals on top of droning fucking guitars and songs that are all twice as long as they should be
also for them to look like complete twats

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going for a greggs festive bake tomorrow
first of the year


I can actually drive my own car rather than taking the bus like a virgin.

fucking hate these cunts

Brown hands

ah right

>I can actually drive my own car rather than taking the bus like a virgin.

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>he thinks 190 is one poster
non newfags know his trip got cracked years ago and people have been posting using it since
the original 190 hasn't been around for years

The frog-posting bus rider, a real hit with the ladies.

Peng ting on Gordon, Gino and Fred

plug in baby is decent

>Not into menthols but love minty dip. >Camel golds Turkish blend for me pls bossman

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Music is a lower form of art. FACTS!!!

who wants to lick my hairy pooey arsehole?

190 is actually an AI learning program
