England has literature

England has literature
Germany has music
Italy has paintings

What does France have? What have they contributed during the golden age of European culture? They just spread their leftist degenerate ideology across the Western world.

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Beheading royals was pretty based

french lit is quite good
it is pretty degenerate ngl

France has literature
France has music
France has paintings

Most importantly France has wine

Every one of these cunts has all 4 of these things

Bet you felt really smart typing that out.

>Germany has music
its another episode of germans riding on the success of austrians

France has better literature than England


every cunt has those things

France has all those you midwit

id honestly give literature to france. shakespeare is a fraud

Military tradition

french has science

are you some kind of retarded ?
France made the best movies WORLDWIDE till the 90s.

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France is pretty commonly the sort of meme stereotype of a country that’s steeped in the arts and all sorts intellectualisms.



Baudelaire alone is worth more than English """literature"""

shakespeare was italian

baudelaire isn't even the best writer of the period let alone the country
this board is so pleb


No wonder he was a fraud


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Is there anything sadder than a quebecoid clinging to a foreign country's achievements like a limpet? Really quite sad tbqhwy

seethe pseud

This man alone is worthy more than all anglo literature

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>English literature
Only anglos care about that.

French have all of it and more. Paris was Europe's cultural centre for centuries

You and your favela-dweller VPN are in every one of these threads, Clement
Have sex

i bet you felt really sad when you made this thread

France has philosophy