when learning to speak spanish should i emulate the way spaniards speak or the way mexicans speak?
wich is easier? wich is the british/american english of the spanish speaking world?
when learning to speak spanish should i emulate the way spaniards speak or the way mexicans speak?
wich is easier? wich is the british/american english of the spanish speaking world?
the real version (european)
British English is a vowel clusterfuck, European Spanish is full of gay lisps
The default English accent is American
The default Spanish accent is Mexican
Chilean spanish
Chilean Spanish
mexican accent is clear and slow it’s good to start learning spanish
It depends on where are you going to use it.
An argentinian doesn't speak like a mexican or a cuban. You will understand them, but if you have to summit an important document, something could go wrong.
>European Spanish
+preferred standard in Europe and Africa
+low number of country-specific grammar forms (vosotros)
-perceived to be direct or even rude by Latin Americans (like NY English)
-distinction has to be mastered for the standard variety
>Rioplatense Spanish
+accent doesn't really carry much of a stigma
-specific grammar forms (voseo)
-kind of divergent phonology and pronunciation
>Chilean Spanish
-highly divergent phonology that borders incomprehensibility for other speakers
-high number of country-specific and unique grammatical forms
>Caribbean Spanish
-highly divergent phonology
-low-class stigma
>Central American Spanish
-sometimes specific grammar forms (voseo)
>Andean Spanish
+low number of country-specific grammar forms
+considered to have the most prestige in Latin America
+clear phonology
-stigmatized in Spain due to presence of immigrant groups
>Mexican Spanish
+low number of country-specific grammar forms
+No stigma in Europe or Latin America
+Most Latin American have bee highly exposed to Mexican dubs, to the point where most understand Mexican slang.
+No too divergent phonology
-High number of anglicisms and unique indigenous vocabulary
rate my summary
Nobody cares
>el chileno
Mexican, Spanish accent is an earsore
>-perceived to be direct or even rude by Latin Americans (like NY English)
>-kind of divergent phonology and pronunciation
this is actually a plus since its just an italian tone
>Caribbean Spanish
ill add the vast difference in certain ways of pronunctiation. the caribbean is rather small so it wouldnt be practical to learn their ways
>+No stigma in Europe or Latin America
fake and cope
>+Most Latin American have bee highly exposed to Mexican dubs, to the point where most understand Mexican slang.
>-High number of anglicisms and unique indigenous vocabulary
delusion, and the small number of indigenous vocabulary would be totally uselss outside of the country. also anglicisms are just chicano slang
the best option is still the european version
Very based post right here
also i forgot to mention that mexican spanish sounds very vulgar and low class. the totality of it is just an urban dialect.
In Mexico we speak mexican. None of that "spanish" bullcrap cringe.
>British English is a vowel clusterfuck
On the contrary, Standard Southern British employs fewer vowels and spreads them out more evenly across the spectrum than General American.
>European Spanish is full of gay lisps
If you don't call American English full of gay lisps too (th) you're being hypocritical, not objective.
>The default English accent is American
>The default Spanish accent is Mexican
There is nothing "default" about these, they're just used more than other accents.
Since OP is European, I'd learn the European accent, unless he's into Latin American culture, in which case he could learn any accent he wants to.
Spaniard is the british version, mexican is the american version.
If you want to go to spain use the spaniard version, if you want to go to the US or latin america use the mexican version
He probably wants people to be able to understand him, user.
Do you want to lisp like a faggot or do you want to sound like a chad?
You will never learn it and you will never speak it. Having said that, probably the "standard sudaca spanish" version, one that nobody really speaks but everybody understands.
Learn the european one, if you ever go to america just don't use the "th" sound (use an "s" sound) and use ustedes instead of vosotros
Most people I know find the mexican accent repulsive, not sure if this is common in other south american countries.
>If you don't call American English full of gay lisps too (th) you're being hypocritical, not objective.
talk about not knowing what lisp means.
>+Most Latin American have bee highly exposed to Mexican dubs, to the point where most understand Mexican slang.
this is actually spot on (i am dominican). as a mexican, how do you know if this is or isn't true? otherwise, the rest of the summary is quite good, you are well-informed.
in the grand scheme of things, it doesnt matter. it only really matters if you are planning on living in a certain spanish-speaking country, it will benefit you to speak like them. if you are learning spanish for the heck of it, i guess mexican or andean spanish is the easiest, most neutral
That's western andalusian accent from the countryside, true story.
All spanish from regular people sounds low class and vulgar
>Hijo de puta panchito de mierda
>La concha de tu madre que te re mil pareo negro del orto
Echaito pa delante mamagüevo. Aqui nadie voto por chave
Meant for
Overrall good but I think you give the voseo/tuteo too much weight. In mexico we understand voseo just fine. It just sounds old fashion/hoighty toity to us
That's basically the sudaca received pronunciation version. Which is not mexican.
>speak with a Castillian Spanish accent
>annoy literally everyone
>because it's an uncommon accent, people can't detect the American accent underneath and they don't even realize that you're a gringo
>>+Most Latin American have bee highly exposed to Mexican dubs, to the point where most understand Mexican slang.
No, this is absolutely true
>>-High number of anglicisms and unique indigenous vocabulary
This is also true, most people dont realize how much indigenous words we have in our vocabulary.
Spaniards speak super fucking gay. Mexican accent is from the earlier Spanish and is derived from Extremaduran and Galician accent because a lot of colonizers came from there. Speak Mexican Spanish but proper Mexican Spanish
It means nothing since European Spanish has both the regular s and c/z, they're not unable to pronounce s, they have a different phonemic inventory.