In what country can I find a gf with a kind heart and warm soul, who is not fat and has a body count less than 5?

In what country can I find a gf with a kind heart and warm soul, who is not fat and has a body count less than 5?

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No where, dumbass.

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Since you didn't specify age, anywhere.

that's depressing innit


18+ obviously, I'm not trying to get party vanned

Japanese girl is the most beautiful in the world.

At my age I can't entertain pipe dreams

Probably a third world country or in a small village then.

she doesn't have to be beautiful, just a good person :(

nice try

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If she's beautiful in Japan she doesn't have a body count less than 5.

They are ugly.
But they are exception.

You can find normal women here:

Vietnam, Southern India, Poland (outside liberal zones), Japan, S. Korea

If you want to broaden your choices you can convert to Islam. Plenty of normal girls in non-Arab muslim countries. Dating a jew who isn't Ashkenazi or Hasidic is also an option.

Each of these groups and countries have certain dynamics you have to research about. You'll have to look at their history, demographics, and economics to understand why certain countries produce certain mentalities

All in all I wish you luck bro.

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They are exception.

>S. Korea
Polish women are the most callus and cold women there are bro, and South Korean women literally care only about status and facades.

>has a body count less than 5?
God what a stupid incel

Why is she saying this to me

Anything below 8 is unrealistic

depends on the person no?

All women are the same

>18+ obviously
>body count less than 5
pick one

If she doesnt have to be beautiful then find a literal 1/10. They try harder and have self esteem issues

Oh it's you .... soz
Nothing personal, I just find it stupid, having this requirement, as if it mattered

Not from what I've heard and researched. It's the approach that might be difficult (which in this case is not really bad, Russian and American women are way worse).

Besides, British and Indian men tend to do well with them. Indians like warm relationships, and the fact that British men like Polish women pretty easily says a lot.

>S. Korea
I've met warm S. Koreans, they tend to be Christian, "rural" or a combination thereof.

You have to look at what kind of women are represented in foreign circles. You also have to realize that there are big differences in how women screen men between different countries. It's all a puzzle.

>Pretending it doesn't.

Yes, Hiroto, yes ... They are the exception.

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Japanese women is perfect.

You sound like a typical ameriflag Zig Forumstard, not trying to be rude but you're buying in to the "ugh...trad..." meme bullshit.
I've never had any good experience with any polish girl or woman ever, and I've only heard people have negative experiences with them.

South Korea is literally the most soulless country on planet earth, everything is fake throughout the entire society. On top of that, they tend to be extremely racist and status-driven.

You would understand if you were a man

Are you crazy or blind?
Japanese girls are perfect.

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lolz why would it?This obsession with virginity/low body count is fucking weird and it stems from insecurity.

No I understand that most men see women as objects that's why you want them to be perfect virgins otherwise they're "used goods"
I'm not here to argue though, just my opinion. hope you didn't take offense.

Wait i got it
Marry a girl from a native american tribe and live with them. She wont ever whore around since her whole family is watching her and fucking other men would probably break the trust her tribe has for her. Also natives are literally as trad as you can get

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No don't worry, I wouldn't expect you to hold any other opinion (and I think it's a respectable one)

It shouldn't matter but it sort of does

>getting drunk on mouthwash
>as trad as you can get

Don't native americans live in nightmare hell-like conditions of alcoholism, abuse, incest, drug use and misery?

Girls tend to be pretty circumspect about who they sleep with.
This idea that every single woman is gobbling cock from the day their period breaks is a weird porn addict fantasy.