Zig Forumscraft general - Stomp on a tranny edition 006

Zig Forumscraft general - Stomp on a tranny edition 006
Zig Forumscraft is a server in the game of Minecraft. It revolves around a timeline being set in a real-world map, where players recreate nations within the stated timeline. Within the game, players try to role-play to the best of their ability, creating an authentic real-world feel to communication, internal nation occurings, and world occurings inside the game.
The server is slated to start the 18th of December, at 1600EST (4P.M.)
The real-world map that is set for the server is the Middle East Northern Africa map (MENA Crop). It will take place during the bronze age collapse.
The server will be 1.15.2, and all vanilla. It also has it's own custom texture pack.
Come join us, and bring your best roleplaying selves.

Attached: intcraft banner possibility 2.png (1920x768, 1.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Join Hittites


Attached: intcraft banner possibility.png (1500x356, 435.87K)

join sumer lads

Attached: norf-sumerian.png (640x640, 450.01K)

Is Fili running this shit again? LOL no thanks bro


Enjoy getting reported for announcing sage.
come join us at our discord and ignore this tranny

I understand you guys don't like "tranny posting", but you shouldn't be such big cunts about it.
Trans rights are human rights.

Attached: Hittite Chariot.jpg (480x291, 31.16K)

can i build spaceships like the one in pic???

Attached: 69-side-w2000.jpg (2000x2000, 236.49K)

Oh no, another tranny, no thanks bro!

Attached: intcraft budapest.png (2560x1417, 2.69M)

cope harder fili

Calling all cuteboys to Scythia/Hyperborea to carry out the divine will of the Aryan race (vedic anal). Hail KALIACC


Attached: smallgif.gif (400x300, 2.84M)

I aint even coping, but this tranny is Fucking ruri you faggot we hope you kill yourself

Will I get banned for griefing and shitposting? And what exactly do you mean by roleplaying, will I have to learn about other cultures and shit like that? Cus that sounds gay as hell dawg


Attached: babylonia.png (1080x1280, 1.28M)

ok phamtomfag

Attached: Join Hatti.png (669x1057, 830.34K)

Come on bro we both know this server is gonna be shit now stop freaking out on me retard.

Attached: VAPORGRAM1607665112378.jpg (1155x1500, 660.32K)

sounds like you are coping pretty hard there fili
maybe go smoke a pack to calm yourself down

Your opinion would be respected if trannies were actually human. Unfortunately for you, they are not.

Long live Egypt, death to trannies and redditors.

Attached: 9822EB5C-4739-40C7-B4BD-E37C58394D99.jpg (4032x3024, 3.14M)

mad lol

Attached: 20201211_020046.png (794x1398, 1005.09K)

Stay out fag, this is for people that want to enjoy history, but have fun.

Join ODYSSEVS, join Ithaca B)

>posting unencrypted EXIF data while propagating hate speech

Im not freaking out on you retard. You are just a cringe ass tranny lmao.
>muh cope

Attached: assoyria.gif (838x798, 2.56M)


Attached: fili-irl.png (720x1280, 1002.79K)

If some tranny redditor is dedicated enough to find out where I reside, so be it. Anyone who wants to come knock at my door better have armor.

>I-I'm not freaking out
pretty pathetic
oh my god
I almost feel sorry for him

Attached: bubbalonia.jpg (472x528, 66.19K)

thats fake right? i've never met a guy that was that short

That isnt me though? I really dont know who you think is that image lmao

until we find something that is "greater than human", no human has the ability to deign superiority or inferiority on bases such as that (within relatives it is okay, e.g. "i am superior at baseball" but not in terms of existence). we live in 2020, no one gives a fuck about people's genitals, and if you do, why?

test server is a fucking mess


Attached: 2020-09-10_01.01.08.png (1920x1017, 662.25K)


Attached: image0.jpg (617x378, 26.89K)

It's an inside joke, you have to suck ten cocks to get it

Cringe scott flag

Attached: Untitled.png (1001x1532, 1.71M)

>Zig Forums server
>Zig Forums
>an anonymous website
>said server for said website has a discord
>surrender anonymity to botnet run by furries and jews
Uhh whatever you say nigga, I'll pass. Daily reminder to anons viewing this thread that these "Zig Forums" events only attract underage attention whores.

Attached: 1577688679206.jpg (1944x2592, 1.86M)

Long live Egypt and its True Pharaoh Floppa I. All Nubian parasites shall die like their pretender Phamtomgoy

Attached: b04b60690272ee44628947436764d703.png (800x468, 757.11K)

Attached: Untitled2.png (800x1200, 925.67K)

Attached: EmpmkygXMAwGyGm.jpg (750x746, 51.53K)

Because trannies are faggots and degenerates, and deserve to be baptized in fire. If you refuse to acknowledge these facts, you are a puppet of the Jew, and shall suffer the same fate.

Attached: 2020-09-15_22.19.46.png (854x480, 189.16K)

Nice epic joke haha. its retarded though.
We ban trannies lmao

c'mon fili, just embrace it
it is perfectly acceptable that you are a hobbit.