/cum/ - Canada US, Mexico


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Other urls found in this thread:


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someone really typed this mf'er out and thought it was okay

there is no afterlife, only darkness.

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>there is no afterlife, only darkness.

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nobody likes nordic european ideologies

don't jews believe in heaven


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i love cucci 2 death

After years of training I have gotten my white gf to admit that she likes to fuck dogs. Tmrw she will be fucking one

why would an atheist wear the orthodox jew hat?

>Error: Upload failed.
What the frick

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What do you mean democratic socialism?

the Jap FEARS the Bob Semple

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Trump only pardons his cronies like Flynn

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I was the first to post this. Feels weird

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he probably means pagan larpers like varg

Flynn didn't do a single thing wrong. He did what every incoming National Security Advisor does, communicates the intentions to foreign governments of the Trump presidency. In fact that's what Biden's National Security Advisor is doing right now.

/cum/, i have a question
why are most pedestrians so fucking stupid?

here's an example of something i see all the time, pic related
someone is trying to turn right at a stop sign, or leaving a parking lot, the pedestrian (orange circle) will stand there like a retard waiting for the car to move, or the driver to look at them and acknowledge they're going to wait for them to walk past

how fucking stupid do you have to be to not realize you can just walk behind the car and avoid all of this entirely, you don't have to wait for the car to move, nor way for eye contact acknowledging your crossing

seriously what the fuck is wrong with people? i didn't have a vehicle for most of my life and always walked behind cars, now that i am a driver i can't help but be amazed by how stupid these people are

Attached: stupid pedestrians.png (692x564, 5.19K)

borrowed an external dvd drive
importing cds before storing them away...

I was the first to post that pic of the faggots

feels weird man

absolutely delusional

didn't he lie under oath? big rookie mistake.

tldr just run them over

No you weren't because I stole it from twitter

yeah but I posted it before you did

He made a big mistake, and he just simply didn’t understand what he was being asked about.

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Yes, he also pled guilty for some reason

frankly they deserve it for being so fucking stupid

i walk in front to make them wait on me

VGH the youtube.com/watch?v=EZk8k5X78MI

Isn't it interesting what people will do and say when being threatened?

They threatened to investigate his family if he didn't plead.

the thing with these investigations is they know Flynn didn't do anything wrong, but the cost to defending yourself against a years long probe is devastatingly expensive.

even if they likely don't know you're there because they're watching for oncoming traffic?

good thing he hired fucking sidney powell to defend him lmao

>it's ok to maliciously prosecute people because they have a lawyer I don't like

Koreans study the Gemara. They know it more than Israelis. The book is actually a discussion between different rabbis, I think.

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how will leafs recover from this?

i walk right up to the car while staring at the driver. they almost always see me.

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It's been four years of this Russiagate shit user, why are you still this confused over what actually happened? Why are you intentionally eating the shit?

I hate digipacks FUCK
always wrapped in this dumb shrink wrap shit and then you can't put them back in a nice sleeve easily and the paper edges will always fray and shit annoys the hecc out of me

precisely. then i can sue them.

Hunter Biden did nothing wrong

you wouldn't be allowed to sue someone for that here since you'd be considered equally at fault

Varg is a mentally ill murderer. No wonder Jason feels an attachment to him.

Jason gets excited by penis but thinks God loves him lol

"Murder" is an unjust killing. Varg's actions were objectively just and he was prosecuted by an unjust system.

ill sue the city, county, and state for racism then.


Jason wants to have sex with a canine but thinks God loves him...

all reasonable

Might give communism a go lads

I don't believe "God" loves me, that is a narcissistic idea for desert people.

I would tell them
"excuse me you can't just fire me like that there's a little something called worker rights so yeah see you tomorrow :-)"

Well he certainly hates you that's for damn sure.

I don't believe she* gives me much thought, in all actuality.

Jason: I hate atheists but also God isn't real

> The Jews- why are they rich?
Can I get a copy of this book?

I do not believe YHWH is real, no. I do believe in the divine and humans being a product of it.

Biggest cope ITT

No woman gives you any thought besides "I don't want to be near this person."

And by "humans", I mean Aryans.

OK today seems to be one of those days where every (You) seems like an impossible feat.

Why is Jason so smart?

you're not aryan

so a different flavor of muh chosen people meme

Other peoples are the product of the supernatural, but they are children of evil.

pinky toe is numb

and my lips are sore lol was a heavy succ sesh sorry

I am.
Except mine actually makes sense because Aryans are the most beautiful, intelligent, inspired, and successful humans across the globe for all time. Not a bunch of wretched inbred tusken raider tier freaks.

here's a freebie just for you, sweetie

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!

Jews are more successful

It appears to be one of the books from pic related table, but I can't read chinese and it's too low res for me to input to google translate

From this article:

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don't think you are you don't look like one at all

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