British Smiles
imagine caring so much about your appearance but just neglecting your teeth, sad innit
She looks cute and even then her teeth aren't anywhere near bad. Striving for perfection is pointless anyway, all you'll end up doing is ruining yourself through plastic surgery and looking like pic
imagine smelling her teeth bros
imagine the breath
Imagine french kissing her, but you're just licking her teeth. Brehs.
where can i find a lass like this
why do brits have brown teeth?
Staining from drinking tea. I'm 100% serious. Our teeth are fine and normal for most of the population, it's just that we generally drink a shitload of tea and that makes teeth more yellow over time
i unironically want to lick her teeth
Of course nigel, thats it!
>perfect teeth = soulless
>crooked teeth = SOVL
It is, what else could it be? We take care of our teeth just as well as people from other countries. However weird it may sound, British people are just as human as everyone else. Our teeth are fine but the colours are generally off-white / yellow because 90% of the population drink tea regularly.
I'm being general here because like every other country in the world we have our amount of toothless people who don't care about their dental health. But we're human beings as well so I don't see why people believe Brits universally lack good dental hygiene.
The yellow colour of our teeth comes from our over-indulgence of tea, simple as.
generally people don't go in for cosmetic dentistry stuff like whitening and veneers and that here - especially not men
i think it's getting more common these days though
Basd trips and rolling.
It's just bad genes
this is an americans teeth
this is an americans face
this is an americans penis
This is a British face and British teeth any questions?
Yeah, I got a question, why are British "people" so fucking ugly? Is it because of the years of inbreeding on a shitty island?
yeah why have you posted a pic of a cotton picker we've never been slaves
you're a conquered wog you arent the same species as the people that made the flag you are posting on
the fuck is a wog
>"Wog", in the UK, is a derogatory and racially offensive slang word referring to a non-white, or darker-skinned white person, including people from the Middle East, North Africa, the Indian subcontinent, other parts of Asia such as the East Indies, or the Mediterranean area, including Southern Europeans. A similar term, wop, has historically been used to refer to Italians.
Just use the n-word, god why do brits always have to come up with retarded names for shit. Just say chips damnit! Nobody knows what the fuck you're talking about when you say crisps!