Your country

>your country
What is your day to day routine in your country?

Attached: 🌹Bɪʟʟɪᴇ Eɪʟɪsʜ Fᴀᴄᴛ's🌹.jpg (250x250, 13.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

wake up
eat 10am
school/business stuff
sit at pc and cycle between vidya and school
eat around 8pm
pc until midnight

> 6 am
Wake up, drink coffee, go for a run or at least a walk
> 8 am
Start work
> 3 pm
Finish work, Take dog for a walk or go for walk, read, write, do whatever, dinner, do whatever, shower, bed

>wake up
>work from 9 to 17.30
>get back home and do fun stuff
>repeat until death

>10:00 wake up
>brush teeth, piss and shit
>go for 1 hour walk
>eat bowl of oatmeal and a cup of tea
>start computer, put on music and open my forums
>spend few hours at computer
>16:00 take bicycle and go for a ride, hour or so
>back home, boil two eggs, eat on bread with swedish caviar from tube
>play vidya or watch movie
>20:00 cook dinner or if Friday get drunk
>listen to music, chill and browse internet
>02:00 go to sleep

i hate that bitch so much
i wish she would get raped and killed

normal day in denmark i see

I unironically like her music. One of the very few good pop singers.

shes not bad. her ep Dont Smile at Me is incredible

now that's YOUR opinion and i don't respect you opinion you swarthy greek monkey

Coffee and browse the 4chans
Coffee and browse the 4chans
then 2 days of coffee and 4chans

How's your heart?

its full of love.(for you)

>wake up 7 am
>watch russian tv news for 20 min
>code lesson for 1 hour
>do 60 push-ups
>browse Zig Forums(nel) all afternoon
>maybe play some game
>do nothing
>eat bread and coffee at 5 pm
>go for a walk at 7pm 1 hour
>browse Zig Forums(nel)
>go to sleep at 10:30 pm

Full-time neet, have been unemployed since midyear due to the epidemic, waiting on several places to respond to my job applications (so far none, not a single), savings on my account are slowly running out and I am getting increasingly angry. I might end up beating up someone at the employment service or robbing a gas station.

what is a brazilian breakfast like. I eat oats almost everyday, with bread and sausage.. Some times scrambled eggs on toast

are you the chad with the long hair who used to spam his pics alot

Bread, cottage cheese, coffee and milk, honey bread.

brazilians on here remind me of trinidad/trinis alot lol.

Thanks senpai

to train

getting drunk on a Friday is typical swede behaviour?

>>watch russian tv news for 20 min

>Wake up @ 6.30, make porridge and tea
>Arrive @ work at 20 to 8(I'm a stock manager at a warehouse)
>Work is easy af, either sitting at a desk ordering stuff or making sure goods aren't faulty
>Finish @ 17.00, get back home at 17.30
>Put on dinner, usually rice/veg with whatever meat I feel like eating that day
>19.00 Browse Zig Forums, play vidya or watch a film depending on how I'm feeling, chat to bros online until about 12.00
>12.00 Have a wank, take a shower, shave and fuck off to bed

Attached: ea2.jpg (600x600, 20.89K)

sounds nice man. how far is your workplace from home?

Wake up
Walk to work
Start work as an electronics engineer
Back from work
Make dinner
Have a nap
Working on some electronics project
Sometimes take breaks and browse Zig Forums
Go to bed

Yes, Friday night is when everyone goes to parties or the pub.

sounds nice.

It's about 20 minutes out of town.


