Why does this country have so many incels...

Why does this country have so many incels? I always kind of assumed it was like Brazil where everyone gets laid before 16, but there's so many incels with this flag on Zig Forums.

Attached: italy-flag-loopable-video-id538316832.jpg (640x360, 18.95K)

They share a bedroom with Nona until they're 30

>seething from the 404'd thread enough to open a new one

Aren't most of their posters on here gay?

i'm 22 and never got laid

Uh, what schizo?

Why don't they just fuck girls at their parents house? That's what I did when I lived with them.

mesmo aqui


Yeah but that would make it even more confusing, isn't it insanely easy to get laid as a gay dude? Especially in europe

it's unironically a discord gang that spams gay shit all of the time, gianni

I don't know any incels apart from a friend in university who now has a gf.

Not everyone loses the v card at 16, most people do though. I was a late bloomer (i.e. loser) and had my first gf after I turned 20.
My gf's brother had regular sex at 13 (she found condoms in his stuff), and a stable girlfriend before turning 14.
I also knew a guy who used to have sex with fucking 12 year old girls while he was 21. I was 16 at the time and considered him a pedophile.


Do you think so?, I think they're among the "chaddest" people in the world.

>it's [headcanon]
Fuck off schizo.

How? Isn't getting laid in Brazil as easy as having $20 cash?

How's that even pussible?

I thought bundas were easily available for every brazilian male


Attached: 1608155903967.png (777x707, 434.8K)

There was another thread where this guy was having an autistic rant about how sex havers are Zig Forumstards or something. He's just one of many italian incels I see, but maybe it's just been this same seething drydick.

>on Zig Forums.
Zig Forums isn't representative of the average, extroverted Italian who has never heard of this board, which makes the posters here contrast even more.

I'm virgen desu with 25 y/o

Massimo Abelardo is the chaddest of chads, wyta

Also 99% of Italians don't speak English and wouldn't be able to post/lurk here.

You were bragging about having fucked 10k times in that thread, go ahead and tell us your ways pornstar

He's right tho

I said 1k, and I did. All it takes is having a girlfriend for longer than a year and fucking her a few times a week. It's not that hard, ugly people do it all the time albeit with ugly girlfriends. Maybe you're just an ugly faggot with standards too high?


>12 year old girls while he was 21

How fucking picky are italian girls that you faggots can't even get laid? Are you fat or something? Aren't you supposed to be handsome meds?

I'm not ugly I have diagnosed mental illness and can't interact very well

>How fucking picky are italian girls
Notoriously so.

People with literal down syndrome reproduce all the time. What do you have that's worse than down syndrome?

You sounds like a faggola, segniore.

Attached: dummy.png (771x707, 448.73K)

An unattractive face