What does average IQ look like in your country?
What does average IQ look like in your country?
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you cannot comprehend. Our DNA allow for an IQ range average of 200. Less than 150 iq in Somalia is the benchmark for mental retardation.
This actually required a pretty high IQ. You see, the neurons communicate with each other via electric pulses so the higher the IQ the more electric charges you will have bouncing around your nogging, since they all repel each other that increases the pressure inside the cranium and makes you head extremely hard.
It also helps to have thin and long concrete blocks that easy to break.
russian guy, help me
please refere to this thread I need help understanding your langugay:
RPG int level
int 10 - I effortless learn and accomplish all that I set my mind on
int 9 - I must spend a little effort in intellectual endeavors
int 8 - With a little work I can learn anything
int 7 - I must spend quite a bit of effort
int 6 - With effort I can learn most things
int 5- with work and lots of effort I can learn some thing
int 4 - with a lot of effort and work I can get by
int 3 - with a lot of effort I can manage to not get in trouble
int 2 - I must spend a lot of effort trying to survive
int 1 - ik ook ik ook ik ook
what's your int level?
around 8 desu
that pic scared the hell out of me
I thought "who caught me off guard while I was deep in thought?"
This gif makes me smile every time. I wonder what he heard that made him so happy
something like this
what was he saying?
Solid 6.5 here
Studying in my last year to become an electrical engineer which is inspiring but at the same time somewhat grim
Why is it grim?
taking notice of my presence, things are accomplished automatically according to my will and subconscious longings. I need not to dwell much on a question or a task some times, for the answer pops before I even question myself. the universe accedes my need as I go about something
Because many people's safety is going to be under the mercy of my questionable intellect
Imagine working a monotone job for 8-10 hours, 5 days a week for 40 years
7-8 by this standard
Nothing wrong here
mfw unironically a solid 9 desu senpai
>mfw (my face when)
Don't you speak Russian? It's a viral video from 2008 (I think) where this girl goes to a trance party to interview people about the music. Initially she's talking to two other guys but then this dude gets in front of them (and I think he also starts touching her initially so she has to push him away). Then she asks him questions but he just basically keeps repeating that the music is very bad and then he starts dancing. The phrase "very bad music" became a meme.
Full vid: youtube.com
BABABABABABABABABABASED (can you understand the message I'm trying to convey with my post?)
if you guys really are smart asses why are you here in shithole?
I'm a two what the fuck man
I am literally too intelligent to not have autism
literally EVERYONE is smart here. we use our enormous brains to levitate. we won't have legs in 3 generations.
A big brained nigga surrounded by retards can live like a king.
Flags checks out.