What should we do about the amerikkkan question?

what should we do about the amerikkkan question?

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This guy is easily the most disgusting YouTubers I've seen

Don't worry, COVID will kill all of the fatties and boomers

There are so much worse


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Post it



America is currently being cleansed of the old, the weak, and the ignorant.

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>the one in the left is a girl

just the poor actually. you guys are retarded

not biologically

>american culture

>worse than Nikcado
No way. he shits himself on camera dude. we've seen his nasty arsehole. nothing can top that.


inb4 that argentinian posts his asshole

>Can't tell if the person on the left is a man or a woman
>Has beard stubble and called Jim but sounds like a woman and has long hair
>Lefty looks like a literal retard
>Righty looks like she could've actually been attractive if not for a lifetime of gluttony and self-hate
>That disgusting bleached hair with the brown roots shining through
>Adam and Eve sponsorship for a couple of women that not even a sensory deprived man would even touch
>In a big truck that is somehow immaculately clean

This is so quintessentially American I can't even handle it.

He made me understand homophobia

>clit rubbers
Im gay now.

can't wait for him to reach mobility scooter deathfat heights, he has gained like 100kg in few years already
fascinating creature

wwheres his nipple

I love these disgusting shits. They keep me motivated enough to avoid being a fatass.

I'm more interested in the answer to the Finnish question?
That being should we change the name of Finland to West Korea?

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>can't wait for him to reach mobility scooter deathfat heights
And he used to be so skinny before he stopped being vegan too
I bet he'll reach amberlynn tiers of fat in 2 years

intel i gained on the human organism on the left:
is a human male, but his tissues dont seem to respond to male hormons, or maybe he has a sex hormone imbalance due to considerable heft.
was in a high-school anti bullying club.
is 25 years old.
sources: a former classmate from the youtube comment section.

Is that a child?? Jesus fucking Christ, I hope she just looks young.

>is 25 years old.
jesus fucking christ

waiting for the uruguayan poster to post his pics from his onlyfans

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Fake vaccines
Gas chambers

Why do south Americans do it?

Do too much fried food make you retard? I bet it kinda does

>over 1 mil subs
It's wild to think they're probably making six figures a year doing this.

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I'd try her roastbeef sandwich if you catch my drift.

Who is this guy and why does he keep getting posted

Poor guy

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