Stop stealing BLACK history, scum

Stop stealing BLACK history, scum.

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Living proof of Atlantis right there, and also proof ancient atlanteans were BLACK


ummmmmmmm, sweaty the one on the right is clearly from mexico, you can even read it on the sign, ughhhh.

Attached: OLMECBVLL.webm (404x720, 2.98M)

when an OLMEC WARRIOR fights, the wh*te "men" tremble in fear.
When an OLMEC WARRIOR arrives to wh*te land, he CONQUERS for his PEOPLE.
Are you ready, wh*te boy?

Attached: 50be8b86935b7515e5957a314f687c71.jpg (555x740, 122.81K)

when the white man goes pew pew the olwhatevergoblin goes ded

You lot really are obsessed with black people aren't you

Like we know you're white user

The greatest conquest of the 21st century.

Attached: FireShot Capture 008 - Why have the white British left London_ - BBC News - (832x851, 162.1K)

Never happened but only because spaniards aren't white

>from the people of mexico
these fucking niggas I swear

lmao his mom had to come out and stop him, when will people learn to stop trying to fight chubby kids, their fat just absorbs the punches

Attached: soymec.jpg (1000x1000, 486.15K)

It clearly says "from the people of Mexico" on the plaque underneath it, tard.
Yoo wuzn't kangs.

delete this

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you may be more advanced...but you know for a to man fist to fist face to face we would make a mockery of every shingle one of you. We would rip your still beating hearts out of your chests...

smdh wypipoputthatsignthere

im pure olmec ama

Attached: 1234.jpg (944x942, 179.74K)

Do olmec men get more pussy?

you tell me

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>non-whites flock to london to work in shitty min wage jobs and live in crowded highrise slums while the former white inhabitants buy up nice houses in the home counties and move up the ladder


cholo puta

Yet London is more expensive than the flyover english counties


Based Russian dabbing on Olmec niggers

Omega hyper based


Attached: images (5).jpg (225x225, 12.14K)

yeah because
a) the super rich inhabitants of london that lived there before still live there and still own most if not almost all of the area spatially, housing in london is essentially rows of £1m+ homes next to small confined containment tower blocks and estates packed with immigrants like ant colonies
b) everyone who's not super poor or super rich commutes to london, millions commute every day

proper dystopia