International frens Thread

What's up frens

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Are you the Tunisian who kept posting that girl he had a crush on?

nothing at all
I'm only here because I have nothing else to do

Nope, i wish
I'm the tunisian whose only girl he ever loved ditched him like he is nothing

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i want to sleep but i can't put the phone down.

I’m going to fail chemistry

How's life on Tunisia?

how do you sleep so early.
i couldn't sleep before 3 am in ages now
as a whole the country is going downhill economically and every uni graduate is leaving it. for middle class life is pretty boring.
as in a personnal level i wish i die in my sleep

why not leave for the us or Canada?
We are ramping up asylum grants in the coming months and you could get hired to "exclusivity"

many are moving to canada.
it's mainly because it's way easier to move to france, same educational system, a lot of companies that exist both in tunisia and france, and being able to speak french almost as a native language

i remember someone on here saying that north africans speak french alot, like a primary/secondary language. that true?

yes we can speak french, also our dialect got plenty of french in it

Hello friends

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I want: British cock
I wish: to top an American
I dream about: russian BF

i'm so sad frens

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heeenlo fren

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Happy Holidays

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i'm afk there all time
trying to meditate but sadness consumed me
i can't stop analyzing why the girl was rude to me and left me even after 4 months. i can't understand girls

Not much, going Dutch on a roll.

nothing much, also
>come to Brasil
is for real, just don't go to Rio and you'll be fine, we are an welcoming People, we strive for making everybody at home

good evening!

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i used to have a fren now she's gone

>I dream about: russian BF
Me too amigo

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Hey frens i took some pics at the park today and Made a thread about it

How's your evenin pal? Having some tea?

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comfy thread user :3

>no yous to cheer me up
fake fren thread

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Here's a (You) fren (:

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I actually did have a cup(mug rather, cant be getting to posh now, can I) of tea earlier :D
sat quite well, am now content and happy. will probably browse Zig Forums and /an/ some more, then go to bed.
hows your evening? it there still some light at yours


died, drifted apart? :(
have you found new frens

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drifted, she's not from my country but she had some issues that caused for our long conversations to was really nice, it was the only nice time i had this year

it's gonna be okay frends

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Glad to hear user :D
Nah it's almost 22hs here. I'll probably browse Zig Forums till dawn aaaaaahhhh I need a life

still no answer about whether or not i got into school

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did you have romantic feelings for her?

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i dont know, she was on a relationship anyway so i just accepted being her fren, i was really happy with her, but seems like i cant even be a fren