We arent racist. we just want you to respect our culture and integrate

>we arent racist. we just want you to respect our culture and integrate.


Attached: german-flag.jpg (615x410, 22.3K)

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Racism against streamers should be welcome in every country.

asians have this weird feeling around them, it's not ok
they shouldn't be here

welcome to the internet. it's been like this since forever. now, stop being a pussy

Western Euros are only racist agaist Asians and Slavs, because when they're racist agains Blacks, Arabs and Latinos they get fired, cancelled from society and a 50 cm knife under their rib
They are pathetic people

they want to be the victim so badly

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why are the people in this video so mean to the chinksect? She doesn't belong in europe, but then again, neither do all the brownoids you see walking around in the background. Maybe gooks are easier targets than syrians and other assorted jetsam? I guess maybe normies freak out less if you make fun of asians vs telling browns to fuck off back where they belong.


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>when they're racist agains Blacks, Arabs and Latinos they get fired
nope, they get beaten. we dont turn other chick like asians. havent you heard how germans complain turks are anti-antisocial? this is why.

kek one guy said he was from turkey

they're antisocial in the sense that they are unable to learn the language properly and mostly inhabit the low wage bracket

Its all fake and staged, germans are not like that at all

asians are seen as weak and wont fight back when uber ooga booga congese warlord insulting him would result in a territorial battle

looks very staged

Wtf fucking animals


>approaching random people on street to make fun of them

although i despise streamers, i felt bad for her

i really cannot understand why people were doing that


these germans looks rather swarthy.

Because its fucking fake.

more like
>accosting random people on street

m8 europe had human-zoos half century ago. you have no idea how fucked up europeans are.

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that "almost crying" in the end of the video looked pretty real to me

but yeah, internet...

Why do my yt recommandations now all of a sudden have 20-30 sec snippets of twitch streams from streamers I dont know. Never watched that shit

Because in the history of humanity no women has ever faked crying....

Germans are racist, no doubt. But never in public and never to strangers.

>and never to strangers


that would happen in israel too because you're betas who would bully chinaman but not ugubunda

Nope, people here are more likely to be racist against blacks. I've seen here lots of asian tourists and everyone was nice to them
Hitting random people on the street, wtf is this shit? literally subhuman-tier behavior

What about Beta Israel?

Attached: 450px-Falasha_makstyle.jpg (450x600, 78.73K)

>I've seen here lots of asian tourists and everyone was nice to them
asians and jews are alike in many ways

In fact Germans are riddled with terrible racism, seriously

literally me

aren't they just larpers? They're the guys in that clip of the blacks shouting "DAAAS RITE!" at the (jewish?) guy in the street right?

Not the same thing, i'm talking about tourists. We have illegal immigrants from african countries and people here are very racist against them
We also have filipino workers but no one has a problem with them

>nope, they get beaten
this. germans tend to get beat up by non-asian tourists, which is why they dont do this to them.


Europeans are based

i havent seen or heard someone hits random passerby doesnt mater he is immigrant or tourists in turkey. i doubt this happens anywhere else but europe.


I'm not sure where she is but it looks like a fairly rough part of town. Also if this was filmed this year, well, everybody hates China now...