Pic related is my dream woman, which country should I go to get one like her?

Pic related is my dream woman, which country should I go to get one like her?

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Why are women so frail bros? She looks like she’d break her collarbones from a gust of wind


t. Edward


Thats Eduardo to you

And no thats not my name

She looks like your average normal pretty girl with blue eyes, there's probably some in Mexico but they probably get an insane amount of attention there so they aren't going to date you unless you pick up them using a helicopter or something like that


Shh don't ruin my joke that's only funny to me

Was that fucking Twilight reference?

She looks American, I don't know how to explain it

She is a mutt, you can see north Europe in her eyes and skull structure but her hair and skin look med


Latvia, I...

She looks Russian.
Maybe Ukrainian.

looks like my mother when she was younger
please don't fuck my mom

Yes :^)

Nah, Russians look like this

Attached: dart.gif (446x523, 3.2M)

they're minimalistic for reproductive reasons
a pregnant power lifter would require too much resources out in nature
source: I made it up


But if you want something more specific, my guesses would be France, Northern Italy, Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, or Hungary. Somewhere that isn't far north or south.

Attached: Pigmentation_of_Hair_and_Eyes,_Coon_1939.png (997x768, 392.74K)

I want to make an Experiment: Like Latino, I want to fuck and Pregnant a Pakistani woman and a Indian Woman to see the globino I'll make.

You have to be 18 to post here.

>referencing twlight means you're young
fuck I didn't need to hear that user

Only a preteen could enjoy such trite garbage.

a girl made me watch the first one and it and it honestly captured the comfy washington atmosphere very well imo
too bad it was a silly romance movie

Bitch I'm 20
Also Twilight is OLD. The first book came out 15 years ago.

It's fine to enjoy trash once in a while, maybe one day you'll grow out of your pretentious cunt phase and understand.

>Bitch I'm 20
jesus christ stop there are sensitive old people in this thread!

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Joao, why are you arguing? Do you really think you know better than me?

Yes, also I'm not a Joao Ninguem, let's be more respectful to our fellow Anons.

Some French, Italian, and Slavic women would have that mix of features. Every ethnicity is a mix of others if you go back far enough. English are the mutts Europe: Celts, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, and Normans (who themselves are a mix of Viking and French who are themselves a mix of Gallic Celt, Frankish, and Roman).

Dunno user I'll be enjoying my comfy books and movies while you're attacking people for having good taste

france germany or italy