What's this guy's ethnicity supposed to be

What's this guy's ethnicity supposed to be

Attached: images (18).jpg (739x415, 21.47K)

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Looks h'white to me

White American.


he's a pygmie

What? He looks non-white as fuck.

Northern Italian



pretty sure hes haplo

Attached: 1562187598892.jpg (680x789, 101.53K)


he made a video about it



anyone get the feeling he makes his voice deeper than it is to compensate for his manletism (which he's insecure about)

penis penis vagina cum moist penis asscheeks

is this unironcally considered non white in Europe ?

hes got a cute gf tho

smeared shit inside the asshole of a ten foot gorilla

Wtf I love you somalia kek

standard american

El Atrocidad

No, he's just a poltard probably


so what. I can get a cute gf, you think I can't get a cute girlfriend? well fuck you faggot I can get a cute girlfriend and MoistCriticial is a manlet faggot fuck him

Attached: 1579616230245.jpg (561x476, 32.9K)

reddit phenotype.


20% asian 20% english 20% pole 20% native 20% black

in other words, 100% american

So like 70% white and 30% asian

he's a hapa

Whiter than you Achmed

Attached: The Rare Albino Amerimutt of Racial Hygiene.png (427x530, 72.04K)

La sangre misteriosa

whiter than you achmed

nah hes like 20% white the rest is med and a tiny bit of ashkenazi

He's not hapa

>0.5% ashkenazi jewish

King of Games

Attached: chazz ojama dance.gif (1920x1119, 3.23M)

There’s very obviously Asian admixture going on. I knew a guy in college who had a Korean War bride grandmother. You can immediately tell. Except for blacks for some reason, they still considered him white. But they also consider any beaner paler than Danny Trejo to be white, so you can disregard their opinion.

Pretty sure he's half asian half white. Any swarthy looking white person that streams is usually part asian.

keanu chungus

he's literally asian

black people also often mistake jews for white

This the guy that yells at his girlfriend on stream?

only jews and Zig Forums know jews aren't white

Could be French Canadian

Reminds me of Keanu