White women just have it too good, we got to bring them down a peg or two.
Amerikkkans will defend this
Why little Asian girls always gotta take the Black man's books and keep a nigga down?
what is this saying? Obviously the asian girl is smarter than the white guy, and the white guy smarter than the black kid, but why is the black kid making a galaxy?
race. race, race, race, race.
race. race race. black white black white. matter lives black white black matter politics. black black. big mac burger black white big black matter lives burger burger burger. (speaking american)
solar system, lol my bad.
oh my god, she's literally keeping a nigga down, that's deep as fuck
As an Asian person this is why I hate Democrats and cannot understand why my fellow Asians love them so much.
Republicans will be openly racist towards me and my people, but Democrats will fuck us over for the blacks
nuke america
That's racist
what does that even mean
it means chinks tryna keep a nigga down on sum bullshit
>the blacks and Democrats are keeping me down!
>the Asians are keeping me down!
Just stop oppressing each other ffs.
Democrats are keeping asians down you imbecile. I say this as a white person. It has been proven in Ivy league schools and also some schools in California that asians are discriminated against unfairly, in favor of hispanics and blacks.
How the fuck do you know the girl is asian?
>partakes in retarded racial autism in his post
>also complains about the effects of retarded racial autism in the same post
Why doesn't the black guy know how to draw stars? Doesn't he read books?
That's what that post said.
She's kind of yellow.
whitey and yella is standing on the books
do american schools not have stepstools...?
Gook Haircut
No that's communism.
oh good
books are to be stacked and stepped on anyway
Why do children teach in schools?
white people don't have heads that square.
the straight dark hair + one black + one blonde in the same picture (the girl must be not white and not black for the drawing to make sense)