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people shouldn't take too many photos of themselves and post them on the internet
it's a sign of a psychotic episode

once i layered crowd sounds and shit chart music in the background of a whatsapp voice message to a girl on NYE to make it seem like i was at a party

hope i die soon


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Was thirsty so I drank some chocolate milk but now I'm MORE thristy!

>phoebeposter is here

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it's the shoelace lad.

fuck off

shut up you divvy cunts

white women see black men as peak masculinity and crave their company, because they're outgoing and good fun

rich or poor you can have a good time with a black guy
with white guys you get to sit at home and watch reality television with a cheap takeaway if he's poor, or do boring shit like go to art galleries and museums and restaurants with repressed arrogant cunts if he's rich

plus bbc


Attached: BLACK.jpg (480x720, 74.55K)


I really like the comparison and allegory with falling in love and an angel touching your heart.

poor people need to stop being poor

unironically just browse Zig Forums
you will pick it up pretty fast

Made 5 grand sitting on my arse shitposting on Zig Forums

Why are some people (or maybe just one) obsessed with posting pictures of this unremarkable woman

Think I might get the battle pass for Cold War, lads.

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Brewing a pot of tea lads does anyone want a cup?

What vitamins do you lads take?
I take one multivitamin and one tablet with zinc, calcium, vitamin d and magnesium

why did he (You) himself

She's a remarkable woman actually

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Hello Allison! I wanna hold your hand

I haven't been the same man

Since I saw you comin' in

Let's have a toast to the girl in Aisle 10

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just milk please thank you lad
got any biscuits?

it’s literally just the one poster and he has mental problems

One pint of Scottish tea thanks mate

why does he keep posting pictures of this grim fat girl from twitter no one gives a shit about?
assume it’s just an attempt at forcing a gimmick, dire indeed


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why yes the girl I shagged last night passed out and smacked her face on the wall then acted like it was completely normal, why do you ask?

been smashing the vitamin D since covid came out.
Should probably take more but I don't, costs money innit.

for me? it’s literally none at all don’t @ me with that namby pamby bullshit

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hate to admit it but i've doubled (an admittedly paltry amount of) my money purely from buying stock picks from Zig Forums in april

will you be sleeping alone again tonight, sir?

I'll give you the D for free honey

What's mental about a bit of slag posting?

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I guess that means everyone under ~25 is psychotic then

going for a drive with the proto-gf aha

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rebbigpooo fellas

For every person who doubles their money there, five will lose it all

>watching Derry Girls
The meme on British Isles girls being ugly is truth

just turned £100 into £10k browsing Zig Forums for a few months

*American women

>>watching Derry Girls


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this is what I crave

does it make your blood boil, user? thinking about your mummy, your sisters, the qt toilfu you haven't got the courage to approach, all seeing a tall and good looking black man and thinking about the taste of a bbc? knowing that whilst they might tell you you're handsome, or that they like your blue eyes, there's always a little bit of their brain saying "nothing can match a black guy for pure, raw, overwhelming masculinity and sexual power"

same but the other way

I heard it was similar to Inbetweeners so trying it out

>watching derry girls

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should've said "yep just us I'm afraid"

far too late in the day for caffeine you mentalist


>Trusting anonymous posters with your money and shunting it all on stocks

You may as well just donate it all to fatpheebs' expansive winter food fund

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>put on Ghosts
>see BM WW

nary a pixel

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just bought £100 worth of ETH

now what do I do lads

one girl on my IG has over 700 photos of her taking the same selfie. She does dumps of like 20 for a week

its midnight on a thursday night, calm down

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