What is it like to be mixed race? What is it like to be born to immigrant parents in a different country?

What is it like to be mixed race? What is it like to be born to immigrant parents in a different country?
It's such a bizzare concept, sounds like it's easy to have an identity crisis

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Mixed people in most of the world feel somewhat left out, not fully A, not fully B either.
Mixed people born and raised in South America do not have identity issues because south america is the most mutted place in the world and identity revolves around life experiences and country of birth there.

>Mixed people in most of the world feel somewhat left out, not fully A, not fully B either.
This. I wish I was born in America, at least I wouldn't feel out of place since everyone is mutted there.

I'm mixed race.
I'm pretty based

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I'm 3/4 white, 1/4 puerto rican, ask me anything

People don't give a shit about you race as long you are attractive.

Hell on earth

Both of your parents are losers
That is why you are mixed

i have no family or culture and i don't trust anyone and i want to die every day, yes

Im mixed race Japanese and burgerclap but I dont have any issues. In fact thank god I was raised third culture because I cant imagine what people who are culturally either have to go through.
Hello my fellow hafu.

then you dont belong to neither side.

Exactly you become your own and play your strengths and make life work out.

Where are your parents from?

Not mixed race, just mixed ethnic but that counts as mixed to Zig Forums autists so whatever. Nobody cares and it's not as terrible as Euros meme it to be. If you absolutely NEED an identity, you just pick whichever part of your heritage you're closest to genetically or culturally and roll with it.

rootless and cast adrift

>Nobody cares and it's not as terrible as Euros meme it to be
it is terrible you would be staggered at the long term genetic consequences, f2s are fucked

mixed race here (aryan+dravidian)


Your post kinda just proved my point about this being a thing only Zig Forums autists give a shit about.

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Not a real mutt. You guys have been mixed long enough that you're your own distinct thing.

i think its totally possible to assimilate in your dominant half of race. just learn the language and move to the country and in a few years you will think and act fully like them.

>What is it like to be mixed race?
Not really good. You tend to have health problem. And seems unattractive for both races.

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It really is only Zig Forums autists and mixed race people with ethnic dysphoria who really care. Like fuck if I care if im half Japanese its never stopped me.

What kind of health problems? Also what's your mix?

I'm half Dutch and my mom is Polish. I only know Dutch culture and nothing of the Polish culture.
I just consider myself Dutch because I was born and raised here. Maybe it would be different if my grandfather was still alive and brought Polish culture into the family but that never happened.

not so much in the first generation because you have a 50:50 mix but the second generation is pure genetic chaos
in america it's associated with things like higher cancer rates

I dont know fren what health issues am I supposed to have? Im healthier than most of the people around me. In fact my doctor says im a freak of nature because I shouldn't be this healthy considering I eat 20+ eggs a week and eat mostly meat.

I didn't gather detailed statistics. But from experience I can tell that mixed folks have noticeable shorter life. Thanks to heart, hormones and mental issues they got from very young age.
>your mix
I'm literally le creatura. Russian\Asian mix in 2nd and 3rd generations at paternal and maternal sides.

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Interesting. Not to sound soi, but do you have a study on it? It might influence a decision I may make later on.

Well, thats good for you.

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Well Im asking because im genuinely curious about your claim. I interact a lot with the "Japanese" community here where there is a lot of half Japanese folks and most of them dont seem to have underlying health issues in my experience.

I was born in my ancestral homeland (Aztlan)

dad's folks were from england and wales, he came here from england
mum's folks were acadian and anglo canadian

never felt much identification with any of these except identities except english a bit, it's considered extremely rude to judge someone based on their background here, they are all just relatively minor parts of me. I'm far more concerned with and proud of my level of education and learning, and a bit ashamed of my lack of self-sufficiency

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My claim comes from my personal subjective point of view.

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your should really only seek pride in your personal achievements and education.
identify is just something that is and has other purposes than feeling an achievement.