Since there seems to be ALOT of confusion on this board about who is and who isn't Mexican...

Since there seems to be ALOT of confusion on this board about who is and who isn't Mexican, I have devised a simple yet effective solution:
Born in Chilangolandia?
Yes? You are NOT Mexican.
No? Yes, you ARE Mexican.
Simple as.

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Other urls found in this thread:

im mexican as fuck bros, my cousin speaks spanish and says I'm a white boy but I tell her that spanish is a white language

>spanish is a white language

>but I tell her that spanish is a white language
This. Spanish and English are both european languages and have nothing to do with being Mexican.

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nobody cares

stop doing thread about mexico or mexicans faggot OP

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>spanish is a white language

>Using white as an insult
Do brownoids really?

Me? Tarascan.

>stop doing thread about mexico or mexicans faggot OP
Why? Are you ashamed?
He means european.

>Do brownoids really?

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Lol what is wrong with this guy

whitoid genetics

>Born in Mexico City
>You're not Mexican
is it a double negative?

The white BVLL who destroyed Zig Forums

No, they are just not Mexican, if you've never had an encounter like in webm related you have no right to call urself Mexican. .

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This is you, isn't it?

So you at least speak a native language or you bitch about spanish being "white" while only speaking english

Based. Jorobe is more masculine than 99% of white males worldwide.

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Mexicans are

People born AND raised in México

Foreign bien people that have spent More Time living here than anywhere else and have been effectively mexicanized

Chicanos arent mexican, they can very much become one if they happen to relocate to México and make It their primary place of residence for at least 5 years, if you are a chicano that hasnt left the states except a few times to see distante relatives or for hollidays in Cancún or something then you arent

I'm not Mexican, but you'd think Mexicans from Mexico, Mexico would have some claim to the word. Further evidence that it's Mexican't, not Mexican.

What makes you say that?
I think he was speaking in regard to how there is literally no reason for an english speaking Chicano to learn spanish. I think we would all prefer to change our official language to anything other than european.

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Why are americans obsessed with mexico?

>People born AND raised in México
True, with the exception of CDMX.
>oreign bien people that have spent More Time living here than anywhere else and have been effectively mexicanized
True, Mexican is in the genes of the soul not genetics.
>Chicanos arent mexican, they can very much become one if they happen to relocate to México and make It their primary place of residence for at least 5 years, if you are a chicano that hasnt left the states except a few times to see distante relatives or for hollidays in Cancún or something then you arent
Why? How are we any different from one another? The only difference I see is that us Chicanos have done more to expand our borders than anyone else.

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You spew nonsense like a chronically bored, sexually confused towhead.

You are more Mexican than someone born in Mexico City.
We are conquering them.

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i lived in ciudad juárez for 6 years, does that count?

*memes of the soul
I am 0% european. My non-native ancestors are descendants of Morocco.

Don't listen to him. He's just jealous that we are CONQUERS.

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Open bobs, Alberto Bino!


Mexican from the United States of America
what's up Dog?

Mexicans from the United States of Mexico (North and Guadalajara)
Tesa Ia, babe

Mexicans from the United States of Mexico (psss del DF!)

Are you an Indian Conquer?
>Mexicans from the United States of Mexico (psss del DF!)

Pop open those bobs and find out, bwaud.

They have some cultural background that couts for something

Is this you?

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We have the EXACT same cultural background.
LA RAZA transcends all "borders".

Obviously American race obsessed autism has rubbed off on you

We will replace you.