/cum/ - canada usa mexico
me likey
Hyenas and spiders are inherently matriarchal, but humans are inherently patriarchal.
The thing I hate most about the nu-left is that I have to be associated with urkel-tier ch*nese bootlickers. I wish these cunts would go away.
>110 """journalists"""
AKA a nicca with a camera working for "bixnood muh woke CHAZ news"
these birds are poisonous
this is just your typical feel bad for journalists crap. and guess what, i don't
Anarchists also assaulted journos
What bird is that
Flybird McWing
still don't feel bad for them, sorry. find a real job. and almost anything else qualifies as a real job
Fuck that, free speech means a free press
My glowie dad said that hunter biden is a private citizen and shouldn’t get special treatment
Thomas Jefferson said the press is necessary, and he was raked over the coals by the press himself.
you're canadian and you believe in free speech more than me. how many high profile jobs eliminate your ability to freely speak. don't fall for the freedom of speech meme. it's been a lie for a while now.
Hunter Biden should be living in the streets
He also said that a person who reads nothing was more informed than someone who only read the news.
hooded pitohui
Good thing I'm a poor retard then I guess
I'm sure journalists here imagine this was them under Trump
Well yeah, that can be true but that's not an attack on the press or the very idea of the press.
Assange, Snowden, and Shkreli should be pardoned.
I can't find a job because the drumpf virus fucked the economy.
you think these journos are exercising free speech? they are political prostitutes. they are paid what to write. they are not paid to freely think.
You could always fuck off
Which journalists are you specifically talking about?
Today is AWOO WEREWOLF WEDNESDAY! How are you celebrating?
my problems are someone else's mistakes, not my fault
This is cool, I had no idea venomous birds exist
Based. Journalists are annoying nerds
All things considered, being American is a good gig
Wtf is happening?
why is it so hard to find a man
You can't take control unless you take responsibility.
Debt literally means nothing in America. The government can wipe their buttholes with a one trillion dollar bill yet republisharts keep crying about muh government spending.
What a bunch of cucks. Being able to pring endless money is the single benefit of the military industrial complex they spent so many years building up.
yeah it's neat. same toxin found in some dart frogs
LMAO imagine if they found out the Russians helped reject Biden
Statistically less fags
My tarkus build is coming along well. Just beat the gaping dragon, less than 9 soul levels to go.
Err elect