Will the UK become a third world country after brexit?

Will the UK become a third world country after brexit?

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They're already a third world country


they arent a third world country. they are becoming one though, like the entire West.

Tyrone made fun of you at school again?



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>britain isn't a shithole

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social housing is always grim but there is a certain je ne sais quoi that brits put into their council homes to make them especially, hideously dystopian.
why is this?

They were built from british food.

why did they leave the eu in the first place?

did you think that was funny?

the gammons and Zig Forumstards voted for us to leave in a referendum

Because we're briish. Not european.

British food is like german comedy, it's no laughing matter

up to 41% of your women are obese

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>reading article in pro-Brexit paper about how Brits can make Brexit a success
>almost all the suggestions include changing their eating habits (eating lamb instead of imported chicken and beef, mussels and sardines instead of imported salmon and cod, local knockoffs of French cheese (Somerset "brie" lmao) instead of the real thing, British wines instead of continental ones), taking their holidays in Britain instead of abroad (wonder what that will do to prices of local holiday stays), buying Japanese goods now that they have a trade deal (even though the trade deal almost entirely benefits Japan over the UK), using shittier, energy inefficient appliances to give the finger to EU regulations, buying a second home to take advantage of low interest rates (how many struggling Britons are looking to buy a second home? wtf), and buying British-made cars (which use imported parts so they will still be more expensive)

It's fucking over if there's a no-deal Brexit, and Britain will still be in the shitter if there is.

Attached: britain in 2020.png (856x534, 693.29K)


>Unlike the UK, there is a national food-bank organisation in Germany, known as the Tafel - the German word for table

>It runs more than 940 individual "food banks" in the network

>Germany's Tafel organisation estimates it feeds some 1.6 million people regularly


i blame the gammons and the tory masses for this btw



Maybe immigrants would finally stop coming here and we could stop the death of this country.

>eating lamb instead of imported chicken and beef
This is the strangest suggestion since chicken and beef are generally cheaper than lamb. We're getting our chicken from the US and beef from Argentina, the EU puppet state of Ireland can get fucked.

Go get raped by a Paki left wing scum.

Proteccionismo y xenofobia



>buying British-made cars
Oh no no no brexitbros..

Attached: brexit3.jpg (1080x1667, 588.99K)

The eu is anti European, as someone who considers themself european and has a love of European culture and traditions I had to vote for brexit anyone who supports the eu could not possibly have any sort of love for European peoples

>The eu is anti European
Exactly, that's why only Europe's greatest allies such as Russia, Trumpian America and autocracies all over the world are supporting its break-up.

bad delivery

good recovery

so much SOVL

If your plan fails and you become half Third World, you can still return to the EU.
Germany and France are waiting for you to return.