/cum/ - Canada, US, Mexico


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no this is

Attached: 1600416525878.webm (1066x600, 2.87M)

can't get what's going on.

Don't know if my mind is playing tricks on me, but isn't there a version of this meme but it was with a tranny instead of a mutt?

Attached: cc7.png (1584x864, 75.4K)

A co toiled got t boned on the way to toil. Hate that intersection always almost happens to me. Maybe one day I will get t boned ther and die.

I should be allowed to seethe

Me right now

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gib bf

How can one country be so based?


Attached: michelle-czaja-155314951784cpl.jpg (1080x1336, 134.66K)

just learned there's a huge Qoomer community in Japan
wild stuff


I fucked up my dark souls build by not going to join dickwraiths before I placed the lordvessel, now I have to go to NG+ and kill four kings to use this character.

Guy tries to shoot up a church in Texas. The whole congregation pulls weapons on him and takes him out because it's Texas.

I don't mind some muscle but she is oddly proportioned

i like the french poster

She frauds with angles in photos but yeah her shoulders are broad

Attached: michelleczajan-15820051058pc4l.jpg (1080x1080, 173.04K)

Cumin rubbed porkchops were good

what happened?

i'd like to cumin your rubbed porkchops leafboy

Do you identify as a militant atheist?


Attached: pepe.jpg (557x596, 40K)

What's the point of being militant about it?

Oh lord

Attached: d7e (1).jpg (1200x1200, 76.47K)

oh lawd he cumin

I met a boomer from Afghanistan who taught in the war with the soviets. He said Afghanistan is the worst country in the world and it’s “because of that’s stupid religion.” He went on about how bad Islam is, without mentioning specific details.

Don't froget to teoto teht otehsfghrsgijohuhvujha


Finally finished Red Dead Redemption 2. It was quite the emotional rollercoaster. I'm pretty impressed by how they were table to tie things together with the first game (at least form what I remember).

Now, I'm not too big on open world games these days and I will admit that the gameplay was a bit clunky for my tastes but despite that I would still recommend it. It was quite an experience.

the revolutionary war was a mistake

Can someone get him an ambulance he had a stroke

14 pages

i'm a militant pescetarian

Not all terrorists are bad

Racism and poverty is caused by the Hollow Earth Society which controls the law enforcement and prison complex.


Attached: [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fiytipf.mp3].webm (640x360, 2.95M)

it wasn't supposed to be like this my fellow patriotbros... we were supposed to be the city on the hill

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But yes it's bedtime. Fuck the wake. Embrace the sleep. Live the life underneath the ssheets

there are goodnight kisses in order

Attached: 30.gif (500x281, 478.63K)

Give me the dreams or else I will be a daunting presence for your entire existence. That's right you, ominous force of the world.

i'd like to live my life underneath your sheets