do you want to get them fixed?
does it matter to you?
why are americans so obsessed with perfect teeth?
mine are pretty fucked from grinding them in my sleep. i never cared much until adulthood, when people started making remarks, saying i'd be so good-looking if i fixed my smile.
i figure as long as you can chew and your breath doesn't stink, you're fine, but people put on like it is my responsibility to have a beautiful smile and i am irresponsible or indecent for not having one.
people will even ruin their normal, functioning teeth to have new ones put in at the expense of being able to chew or speak normally. fucking mental
How fucked up are your teeth?
Other urls found in this thread:
>how fucked up are your teeth? very
do you want to get them fixed? yes
>does it matter to you? sort of
>why are americans so obsessed with perfect teeth? I think it's a sign of affluence
>a sign of affluence
that's just it, and i fucking hate that the same cunts who are buying cars and iPhone XOXs on credit or taking out loans to take their obese children to Disney World with cupons are telling me to get my teeth fixed. i haven't got them fixed because i don't need to get them fixed, and i can't afford to get them fixed. it's funny, it'd actually be cheaper to get them done in gold than to get proper caps or veneers.
good teeth are just more attractive than bad teeth
i can afford to fix teeth imperfections
i'd be stupid not to lol
I don't... alright man. Well dentists commit suicide more than anyone else so, maybe we won't have the classism through oral health issue much longer.
chances are you probably have mild tmj and bite misalignment as well
get braces before it's too late bro
americans really think that getting veneers = fixing your teeth
>how fucked up are your teeth?
>do you want to get them fixed?
yes but no money
>does it matter to you?
>why are americans so obsessed with perfect teeth?
I was cursed with shitty teeth just like my dad and grandpa. I have always been careful with my brushing, flossing and using like mouthwash with fluoride and shit to keep them strong.
Still, 27 now and my teeth are falling apart. Two of them cracked last year, like straight down the middle so they had to be pulled out.
I had 4 cavities that got fixed, but 6 months later one of the repaired teeth basically exploded while I was eating bread...
They kinda "repaired it" temporarily with the white shit but the rest of the tooth died and crumbled within like a month...
Had to rip that fucker out as well.
So I'm down three teeth (two molars and one up front to the right), all my teeth hurt like a son of a bitch when I drink/eat anything cold and I keep getting cavities and small cracks in them even though I don't eat/drink anything with sugar and brush after meals..
Two dentists I've had said I have really thin enamel on my teeth.
They are gonna wait until a couple more needs to be pulled and then they are gonna give me new ones.
Or so they say.. It's fucking expensive and I doubt I can afford it.
This image is gross and I can feel it in my teeth please delet this immediately
Overall pretty ok. Made the mistake to not go the dentist for like 10 years because I hated it and thought I would get when I have problems (the 20 years before where literally just going there scared so he said everything was ok, went there frequently untill like 20 and they never had to do anything). Few years ago I went again and had a lot done (overall like 10 hours there) and all good again, just broke off a teeth a bit back that I need to get fixed, but fucking dentists is literally the only thing that is not free healthcare here and it will cost me like 1.000€ so I am not so keen to get it done...
>but fucking dentists is literally the only thing that is not free healthcare here and it will cost me like 1.000€ so I am not so keen to get it done...
Same here in Sweden and it sucks.
Wonder how dentists jewed out of this... I mean literally anything else is free, just they take everything you got.
My fathers "jokes" that the teeth of my mother are worth more than a new VW Golf....
jesus fucking christ
>teeth of my mother are worth more than a new VW Golf
Wouldn't be surprised, my dad has spent somewhere around 13k euro on his teeth and they still aren't done.
Personally they can just rip all mine out and give me some damn dentures...
It's fun. I'm gonna look like a crackhead by the time I'm 40.
same here, most insurance doesn't cover dental, it's considered 'elective' or 'cosmetic' procedures, even if it's something like getting wisdom teeth out or a root canal. poorfags in the US die of abcesses that spread into the sinuses and then it's over for you, because they can't see a dentist.
alsosame here, i'm missing five teeth from my bottom jaw from having them fissure. a dentist told me when i was 12 with thin enamel i'd probably be toothless by twenty, though, so i guess it's not all bad.
Shitty teeth club is a shitty club to be in. But at least we ain't alone.
I stopped wearing my retainer after getting braces and I have my overjet again. Kinda wanna wear invisalign though its probably too expensive
>why are americans so obsessed with perfect teeth?
The funniest thing I know about dental health in America is how Americans were told for literal decades that daily flossing is basically the key to health and happiness. Then in 2016, after converting half the world to their flossing worship, the US health department came out and said that years of studies have not proven any benefits of flossing and that they're removing it from their recommendations.
humans have existed for hundreds of thousands of years
we've probably been "flossing" for less than 1% of our entire species' existence
Americans should just stop eating like shit
Imagine how hardcore people were before dentistry was a thing. Fucked teeth? Eh it's fucked. Nothing to be done, let's go hunt a fucking mammoth.
>white people b like
>this tooth too spicy!
That's why we invented alcohol.
is it true niggas go to jail just to get their teeth fixed?
Quite a few died because of fucking infected teeth, tho. Also just got them pulled out without modern anesthesia which sound kinda hardcore.
hold on bro, have you ever flossed?
have you ever smelled the shit that comes from between your teeth when you floss?
have you ever spoken to someone with shit caked in their teeth up to the gumline?
flossing isn't going to save your teeth once the ball is rolling, but man, please floss.
Hard life. I guess we shouldn't complain. I might hate the damn numbing needle but I'd hate it even more without it.
My front bottom teeth are all fucked. Thankfully, my front top teeth are fine. I’m going to get my wisdom teeth pulled, then get braces
not perfect, but straight
Talking about teeth made my teeth hurt.
human's life expectancy was a lot more turn and burn back then and their lifespan somewhat coincided with the wear of their teeth. unless you were a shaman having six-year-olds puke into your mouth for sustenance into your sixties, you were culled or died naturally before 45 because you can't chew properly, you can't eat well, you become weak, you lose stamina, you become a useless member of the community.
floss bro
I started feeling some pressure on my teeth but no pain. I now feel my pulse
Why are we like this?