/lang/ - language learning general

Amerindian edition
>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Zig Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages:

Lots of books on linguistics of various kinds, as well as language courses:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:

List of trackers for most language learning packs:

MEGA archive with language torrents:

Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?

Old bread Old challenge

Attached: langues amerindiennes.jpg (2970x1959, 752.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Translate this into your TL:
>I smell a smelly smell that smells smelly.

i'm such a bum. i like the idea of learning and speaking another language but i'm indecisive and unmotivated.

What does /lang/ think of Duolingo's Finnish course?

Attached: 0.png (420x420, 9.29K)

Doesn't sound like a bum thing. Sounds like indecisiveness.

Dunno, haven't FINNISHED it. :D

you're right. i've "started" learning like five different languages at various points over the course of the last two years or so. i always quit after a month or two because i get bored with it or whatever. i've been kinda out of it (mentally) for a few years though and recently started some new meds so maybe that will help with my concentration.

According to
The French present participle can be used as a gerund, noun, or adjective
Is this true? How does the usage of "en" relate to this?

I think Duolingo sucks

Attached: coolsville sucks.jpg (480x360, 9.54K)

La voiture est rouge.
Je suis vieux.
Mon chat dort.
Elle a acheté un vélo.

Je prends des leçons de la natation chaque semaine.
La couple se sont mariés sur la plage.
Si on pratique les maths tous les jours, on s'améliore.
Sa maison a toujours froid parce qu'il ne veut pas payer pour le rechauffement.

Le film documentaire m'a vraiment ému quand j'ai vu la peine et la lutte des vétérans racontants leurs amis qui ont marché sur des mines terrestres et se sont fait explosés.
Il est (c'est?) inutile de marchander avec lui; il est fidèle à vendre le vélo pour le prix qu'il a d'abord payé.
Le métro n'a pas été rénové depuis les années 80, donc il fait un grand bruit d'hurlement quand il s'arrète.

voy a leer El Túnel en enero

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lol I think I'm intermediate level in French but still wonder whether I should use an indefinite article, definite article, or no article sometimes

Duolingo is good, go for it.
I like the streak, so I can track how many days I have been studying.

¿Te gustan los autores Argentinos? Ahora leo algo de las obras de Borges de la colección "Borges Esencial". Pero este libro es sus obras en total, pues hay muchas y no sé si quiero acabarlo antes de comenzar a leer otra cosa o sólo acabar la parte que que leo ahora, la que se llama El Alef.


Just power through one till you know all the basic grammar and around 2k words, and then just sit back and read a comic book or a web page every once and a while to keep it going.

the same thing in English
articles are just redundant and illogical, if you need to specify, you can use "some", "this" etc.

>articles are just redundant and illogical

Articles are really good, actually; Honestly, I would rather my TLs have more articles but with clearer rules; the main problem with articles is reusing them for different kinds of specification and it being particularly hard to find clear information about the difference in usage between languages.

>The car is red.
>I am old.
>My cat is sleeping.
>She bought a bike.

>I take swimming lessons every week.
>The couple got married by the beach.
>If you practice math everyday, you will get better.

I've come up with a few basic words in Oryoni, frens

пaдap/padar - father
мaдap/madar - mother
бpaдap/bradar - brother
хwahap/xwahar - sister
пycap/pusar - son
дyхтap/duxtar - daughter

Currently working on Lord's Prayer

>пaдap/padar - father
>мaдap/madar - mother
>бpaдap/bradar - brother
>дyхтap/duxtar - daughter
Don't you think this is too English-esque?

probably bad

Not at all. It's based on Persian, specifically Middle Persian/Pahlavi and Avestan. These words are common in most Indo European languages.

Sic, articuli sunt redundantes et illogici.


yeah i'm going to give it another shot one of these days. thanks, user.

Pretty basic, but falls under the same case of all other Duolingo courses.

>be me florida murican user
>wanna learn a language for fun despite having no reason to
>persophile and dad speaks afghan farsi
>also kinda interested in german
>j'ai parlé français en le high school mais I'm in college now and don't remember most of it but it'd still be a good jumping off point
so czech, ruski, farsi, kraut or frog? not asking for what would be most practical to my life, just what do you think sounds the best/is easiest/unlocks the more interesting cultures
would I be wrong to say Czech as it would be a good future jumping off point for both russian and german?

Attached: 8E3D45AD-4792-4A20-856E-83443B11B457.png (600x800, 37.85K)

Farsi cause your dad speaks it, otherwise go with the one you like the most

One of either Russian or Czech, Farsi, German, and French. Choose as many as you can comfortably set aside time for in that order. Russian and Czech are probably the only ones you should avoid learning at the same for since their both Slavic.

Russian is basically the lingua franca of Eastern Europe, so if you're interested in slavic culture, that would be your best bet of them all
Farsi would cover most of Iran/Persia, but there's a lot of dialectal variance, since it's not in the same family as Arabic

I'm thinking that's a good idea too, also because Iran is geopolitically significant and it'd probably net me a job if this whole civil engineering thing doesn't work out post graduation. Should I learn Iranian or Afghan Farsi? how much crossover is there?

I kind of want to explore Siberia in my 20s though and interact with all the tribes

Russia is losing influence outside of Russia, your statement would have been accurate 30 years ago but now it's just off the mark and in 20 years it'll be flat out wrong

>Farsi would cover most of Iran/Persia, but there's a lot of dialectal variance, since it's not in the same family as Arabic
Ask me how I know you have no clue