
virgin freak edition

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so fucking depressed i wanna cry

when did you realise you weren't going to have sex until uni

wish i had the balls to sit by myself in school instead of sitting with people who used me as a punching bag

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This song will make you feel better

Watched the milleniyule podcast with Count Dankula and i've got to say I enjoyed it again. Those jocks have chemistry.

Thinking back to secondary school and that it was basically prison lite
Weird really what kids would do to one another

>Count Dankula
actual 14 year old detected

then cry
i was watching some american show and the wife kicked the husband out of the house to cry and said she likes to do it

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be sure to muffled your tears so you dont disturb mumsie or she will worry and tell /brit/ whats wrong

Volien merda i tenen raval

some of you guys are alright. dont go to my bog tomorrow morning.

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kek this is me (on the left)

im 29 next month. there is nothing wrong with a grown man enjoying a discussion between youtube e celebs

giggling at this

my ssri stops me from being able to cry but doesn't stop me from wanting to cry

Me on the left

i went down to the pub and had a few pints with me mates and after we ran a train on some slag while passing around a spliff.

Is there a nation in the world where the women hate, mock and pity their countrymen as much as Englishwomen do Englishmen? I'd say Japan and South Korea but other than that I'm struggling for answers


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oh tim

Spain apparently

every country
all women are whores

hate read receipts

only time i heard women mock men from their country was german women


Do you think this strategy has ever worked for him?

this tweet is funny to me because i am the boy who got out of the room to get away from the disgusting neurotypical

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>he didn't shoot his handgun while orgasming
turn off your vpn lad

I'm not reading that mess

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thanks for the replies lads, nice to know people care

russia for sure its ridiculous there

Keep mouthing off satan, and I’ll shit in your mouth instead

>the women hate, mock and pity their countrymen as much as Englishwomen do Englishmen

My Spanish friends tell me the situation there is pretty crazy and the women are average as fuck.

evens I get some stellas
odds I save and invest in crypto when the correction happens

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Y qué, si el amarte me cuesta la vida
Y qué, si aunque siempre te pienso tu olvidas
Y qué, si esperando me quedo sin días
Si probarte es un acto suicida
Y qué?, y qué?
Y qué, si mi karma es tu boca prohibida
Y qué, si hasta el alma por ti vendería
Y qué, si mi cielo se llena de espinas
Si probarte es un acto suicida
Yo prefiero morir a tu lado a vivir sin ti
Y qué, si es veneno lo que hay en tus besos
Y qué, si mi amor para ti es solo un juego
Y qué, ya no puedo cambiar lo que siento
Yo no puedo elegir, porque
Te amo
Yo te amo
Y qué?, si tu amor hacia mí dura un día
Y qué?, si ese amor en verdad me asesina
Y qué?, si el tocarte al infierno me envía
Si probarte es un acto suicida
Yo prefiero morir a tu lado a vivir sin ti
Y qué?, si es veneno lo que hay en tus besos
Y qué?, si mi amor para ti es solo un juego
Y qué?, ya no puedo cambiar lo que siento
Yo no puedo elegir porque
Te amo
Yo te amo
Y qué?, si el amarte al infierno me envía
Y tu amor hacia mí dura un día
Y qué?, y qué?, y qué?
Y qué?, si te amo y arriesgo mi vida
Si tus besos me quitan la vida
Y qué?, y qué?, y qué?, y qué?

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alri stellas it is

got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus

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As an interesting casual tidbit of an aside I am autistic and enjoy being pegged, despite being rorke tier based and redpilled
How this make you feel brit , I walk the same hallowed halls as you

Hey you have to go again 0 is not an even or odd number

it makes me think you need to stop watching porn

laughing shoes

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you got a 5 on the reroll. crypto it is lad

Really? What makes you guys so sure? In most countries I hear women badmouth 'men' but they never explicitly slag off 'Italian men' or 'Dutch men' like ours do. The 'grass is always greener' attitude always struck me as quite English, maybe because ugly and personality-devoid women get trapped in a vicious circle of being easy to bed, fucking good-looking foreigners who are trying to end a dry spell and then mistaking the attention for validation of their attractiveness

And let's be honest, the notion of England being fairly unique amongst white countries in the average man being more attractive than the average woman is true

shieeeet monica

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>>How this make you feel brit
I learned about prolapsing from a work group meeting.

What’s your diet lookin like lads?

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but zero.. is even

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shut the fuck up you freakish virgin freak

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>the notion of England being fairly unique amongst white countries in the average man being more attractive than the average woman is true

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phone keeps flashing with unread messages and its making me ill

I literally don’t, no matter how many birds I shag (numerous) I am still a submissive, wish it were not so. Truly do.

There are a womans shoes in the photo I assume so

turn it off then

by replying to yourself you chose to reroll. i dont make the rules buddy

is that why ur ghey?

No. You're perfectly entitled to keep making your posts about Wall's sausages and Yu-Gi-Oh cards if you wish

tbph lad far as i can tell this isnt even that much of a phenomenon here really. get the impression british men and women are more accepting of each others blatant flaws than in a ton of other places. suppose its not easy to rigorously find hard evidence about it. but from the russians ive known, it sounds like men and women there genuinely fucking loathe each other on the whole

Think I'm in love with the older sis lads

Have a virtual pass of a spliff I don't have

Fucking lol
Still beats the average slag in objective attractiveness by a looooong shot

Make no mistake the English woman is by far the most likely of all European women to marry a foreign man. The others are mostly all talk to keep away VFs. The English female callousness is something else.

English women are some of the most soulless on the planet. When I was at my friend's dad funeral my friend's gf who stayed home because she didn't feel like going to it texted him "when are you finishing I need you to drop me off to get my nails done". He dumped her that night.

I’m on the stellas good lad

>most of /brit/ has gone to bed

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I wretched on an empty stomach and my entire body started aching really Fucking badly particularly my upper chest and arms, felt like my veins had all contracted, what’s wrong with me? Anyone had this before?

Would my mental/physical health actually improve significantly if i cleared up my diet and went straight edge.

current diet per day is usually:
2 readymeals from tesco (chow mein and curry/pasta meal

a large bar of chocolate like those £1 ones

some fizzy, not much usually a bottle of doctor pepper

usually make some more pasta bolognese

some biscuits or whatevers about

chicken and chips

I was watched a Scandinavian version of Naked Attraction and fucking hell the difference in quality of women made me hate this country even more.

>pretends to be asleep as mum walks up to door to listen

hush or the mandem will hold corn still

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Dunno that happens to me sometimes when I sneeze really hard

which one boys?

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yes. that is an awful diet

>Naked Attraction
why is this even legal, i wish i lived in the 1960's

Strange to see so many brit flags at this time. OI YOU LOT ITT ARE YOU ON SCHOOL HOLIDAYS OR WORK BREAKS AND THAT NOW


Their dress sense is bizarre and they clearly love themselves, but they're physically fit and none of them is ugly. Post their girlfriends or most recent shags and I bet they'll look like transsexual David Dickinsons

>the English woman is by far the most likely of all European women to marry a foreign man
I think that's more true of Frenchwomen, but Frenchwomen don't detest their fathers, brothers, sons, etc

Not me I’m still here drinking myself to oblivion

>pretends to be asleep as mum walks up to door to listen

this is me

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