El Heritageo

El Heritageo

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wtf I thought indios were supposed to have been genocided but now there's more of them than anyone else wtf

Wow, I didn't know African and Indigenous were ethnic groups.

Natives reproduce like rabbits

Based, g*rmanoids absolutely BTFO

Absolutely redpilled light blue states

How exactly? We are the dominant group among American whites

native population suffered a collapse in the first two centuries after the conquest, but over the centuries it has been recovering, now there is more indios than before the conquest.

>why did it collapse
diseases, don't buy the muh genocide explanation

Arriba el norte


>don't buy the muh genocide explanation
.000000000000000000000000000006 pesetas have been added to your bank account

What's up with that one Indigenous state in Northern Mexico?

Tamaulipas is Veracruz 2.0

That era is ending, soon anglos shall be dethroned by the children of Mother Iberia


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when they say "spanish" how spanish are we talking

There's shipping on the Great Lakes and from the Delaware river valley. Alaska too.

There was never any genocide in Canada and USA, the Amerindian population got fucked by diseases and started breeding below replacement level for centuries, they went from around 2.5 million in 1500 to a record low of 0.3 million around 1890, then they started to grow back up and they've now reached 5 million.

So mexican?

Mexicans and othee South and Central American countries count as Spanish. Go figure

It's also fucking cold here.

spanish speakers

At this point African American should be a separate ethnic group.

It is on the census

Black American is a pseudo-ethnicity so it might as well be, and nobody wants to have to read all the names of the injuns' 30,000 meme tribes, so it's simplest to just group them together.

They're landlocked for half the year when the lakes freeze over.

>el norte es white stealth thread

Most of them are mixed


There are way more mestizos than indios


Those "mestizos" are just larping indios

No, they are half Spanish


Everything he said is right