America never produced a good arti... WOAH

>America never produced a good arti... WOAH

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>>America never produced a good artist
explain this then

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>the token black kid
definitely american


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Obama is going to bomb you boom booooom

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>hes never seen the work of famous American illustrator Ben Garrison

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i dont get it

>America never produced good ar-

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Have you prayed to Trump today, anons?

Trump stole his fishing rod and now is forcing him to pay for it but he doesn't have money so he'll give him some of his bait in exchange

The dude was reading about solutions for america but Donald Trump baited him into thinking socialism is bad and Israel protection is better

Think whatever you want of him and his pieces, but to deny Jackson Pollocks contribution to the art world is criminal

what are you talking about, Amerikkka has pretty good furry porn and rule34 artists


It's about the "teach a man to fish" saying.

He started the meme era of the modern "art" shitshow

>no jesus
>no trump

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I'm impressed by the level of detail he put into the mexican flag, this also includes placing the agle facing towards the green part which is the correct way, most americans draw or paint the eagle facing the opposite direction.

Based Jon know what art is about

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Trump would unironically hate this pic as he doesn't like to be portrayed as weak in any shape or form

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> t. Chupapollas anglos

>go to like it says in the watermark of his paintings
>get greeted by this

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>Law and Order

I don't get this. Wasn't Garrison a libertarian? So he's basically okay with the law so long as it's not directed at people he cares about?

china and russia both invaded the US at the same time? and then an angel fixed everything by uniting the soviet front again?

we want the state to have absolute power when we run it
we don't want the state to have any power when we don't

>cranka cranka sputt i can't breathe

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Libertarianism is just a fancy word for the phrase “rules for thee but not for me”