Thoughts on Israel and Palestine?

Thoughts on Israel and Palestine?

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i dont waste a thought on a foreign country 10,000km away

Israel: worth dying for
Palestine: literally who

Alright Americans give me the no bullshit answer to this, why does your country worship Israel?

colonialism on the 20th century, i mean you cant get more colonial than a bunch of europeans going to some far away land and usurping it from the locals.
They only get away with it couse westerners felt bad about holocaust..

Btw they are really tiny states and its a conflict that gets too much atention in comparison to some real conflict.

nuke all this war magnet thats make all people mad an fanatical

Evangelical Christians believe the second coming of Christ will be in the holy land, ie Israel. They think if we support and protect Israel then we will be looked on favorably by Jesus number 2. America is completely controlled by the evangelical Protestant church, which does what Israel wants because they think Jesus is coming back.

Make me Sad!

It will collapse on itself in the next 20 years due to neet haredi demographics and politics.

They make good TV series.

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only you pales think we give a shit about alien countries and their disputes

you are deluded man, do some research. America was a huge supporter of Israel because way before the Evangelical lobby even existed

Palestine shall be free


Is undercovered european colonialism using jews as subterfuge

Both belong to Christianity

The evangelical lobby existed before Israel existed you dumb fuckin leaf.

>what is the burned over district

Just wanted to let you guys know, we don't think about you at all.

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Also grew up in an evangelical household/community in Indiana, this is what they believe. The fuck does a Canadian know?

>only you pales think we give a shit about alien countries and their disputes
>USAfags put they ((big noses)) in every country that they dirty hands can reach
Fuck off warmonger

Was this a core belief of Evangelicals since forever or was it shilled for after the fact?

I actually find Palestinians to be bigger rats than (at the very least bleached) Israelis.

I hope they all get genocided for the constant joo VPN posting in pol ruining the whole board in the proccess.

it gets so much attention and is important precisely because it's a western colony, or at least because that's the perception. Arab liberationists view an attack on israel as an attack on the west and vice versa

Case and point this VPN shitskin must have posted at least 5 joo post today.

Palestinian is a meme identity, there's no such things as distinct palestinian culture, history or language, they're just another arabs who lived under egyptian and jordanian rule up until 1948 and didn't care about independence
A future palestinian country would merge almost immediately with jordan and/or syria and you'll get yet another islamic shitole, as if there aren't enough of those already so what's the fucking point? All they need to do is cross the border to jordan or any other arabic country and the conflict is over

I find all swarthoid/shitskin semites/arabs to be rats but man between Israelis and Palestinians the latter is definitely the biggest rat.

It's their land so they get to be whatever they want.
>All they need to do is cross the border to jordan or any other arabic country and the conflict is over
Pretty ironic coming from a person whose entire culture revolves around the lost homeland and getting back to it after thousands of years, no reason why the Palestinians shouldn't do that as well

yeah man everyone knows those 19th century nu-puritans were ardent supporters of moving all the european jews to israel

>claims evangelical lobby didn’t exist until recently
>proven wrong
>says he meant the lobby for Israel

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At the end of the day you just need to kill anyone who isn't racially white.

There's already 50 million muslims in Europe alone along with 22 arab countries who treat their own citizens like absolute shit, so kindly fuck off
Territories have exchanged hands since the dawn of mankind, and in 100 years no one will remember there as such thing as palestinian independence movement apart from history students

Jews and Muslims must be happy that reddit and boomers turned their focused hate on India and China.

For the first time in centuries the Jews and Muslims are not the most hated people in the world.

Palestinians got Gaza Strip and they ruined it so fuck them. Tel Hai, Am Yisrael Chai

Never imply im white ever again

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It was before Israel even existed. Everyone claiming neo colonialism and other shit is wrong, it’s evident by the flags. It’s strictly because of American Protestant evangelicalism. If they didn’t think Jesus was coming back they wouldn’t support a bunch of uppity jews for fucks sake

