Do you ever get the feeling that the bad guys won WW2?
Do you ever get the feeling that the bad guys won WW2?
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there's no good guys in war
but there are bad guys
Have to agree with this, most wars are started out of the greed of ruling elites. Inevitably government intuitions have psychopaths pool to the top and more resemble organized crime than anything else. On a bigger level though after WW2 the people running the world treat everything with the mentality of a shopkeeper. Economics and growth is all that matters, if it can't be quantified and turned into numbers it doesn't exist or is worthless. In the Axis powers there was beginning to form a primordial warrior elite who would have seen the world in a much different way. This video has a pretty good description of it.
hitler was a bad person
now say what you want like the cops aren't watching
God you sound like those dudes in youtube videos about ww2 that always comment the same shit:
>"We fought the wrong enemy"
>"The victors write the history"
they got used to the point of being meaningless and people say it because they like the nazis but just pretend it's because of communism
No I say it because the absolute state of the west right now and there's no way it would've been worse under the Nazis
>he thinks anyone on youtube is allowed to even entertain those thoughts
kek, i do miss the early unpozz'd internet
It's shit but I wouldn't want to live in a world where genociding entire populations would be seen as a normal thing
No fuck the Krauts but also fuck these retarded neoliberals who pushed the nonsense of today
No. I'm not a worthless incel that takes it's political opinions from a anonymous board
yeah instead you get them from reddit
Yeah, they did and we spent more than 40 years under their thrall
muh reddit
muh Zig Forums
there's a huge gray area of non-degenerate people in the middle
name one so I can laugh at your retarded monkey ass
It was tje most objectively evil regime and the most justified war to this day. They were planning to literally genocide millons of human beings.
I wish the bald men had won the war
Boa noite
how did they win?
> In the Axis powers there was beginning to form a primordial warrior elite who would have seen the world in a much different way
No. All of the axis powers were controlled by the same kind of people that held power among the allies(with the exception of USSR, of course). Much like the WWI, the second was a plunderer war. British and american industrialists were afraid that the german bourgeoisie would manage to compete with their own industries, so they started a war
one what? gray area? I'm not referring to a specific site my redneck friend
They made the enemies loose
Are you aware that Zig Forums and reddit are now populated by the same people, right?
correct however there is evil and lesser evil type of guys in war. the allies were the lesser evil
Why do so many brazilians have a negative opinion about the nazis?
>you're a redditor like me!
stop projecting and dilate instead
lol alright then I guess I just got absolutely destroyed and wrecked
I hope you don't put me in your libtard cringe compilation #543543
You're making is sound like war is a competition...
no need to be so asshurt
The british and americans were arguably as cruel as the germans though.
I don't know where you got that from
Dresden was not as bad as people tend to think
Sure, it was fucked up but that's nowhere near what the germans did
In the end the less cancerous side won, but I would never call the Anglo-American and Soviet ruling class good people.
not really. germany wanted the cleansing of slavic people, jews, disabled people, poles, etc. americans had our racism and jap camps and brits had their india famine and whatever else idk. to me, germany was way worse.
Why are amerimutt always talking about WW ll?
every day
The SS was incorporating lots of non-germans many of whom were rising in the ranks on the eastern front. It's doubtful they could have kept such a German supremacist position in an Empire across Europe especially when other Europeans had helped them so much in the war. Anything else is meme Wolfenstein-tier fantasy nonsense.
stalin was jewish. stalin and his soviet russia co. wanted to take over the world, not germany or hitler. i find the lies about ww2 to be disgusting
hmmm, let me think
It’s their foundation myth basically. They base their entire views on everything on WW2
I'm not speaking about Dresden. I'm talking about the genocides in Africa, South Asia, SEA and so on. People ignore these genocides because the victims were poor and brown, but it were genocides all the same.
this is totally false. germany was trying to unite the slavic people. he helped jews emigrate from the country until the war got too bad. you don't really learn much about world war 2 history in high school. mostly just lies. fdr, stalin, churchill -- all bastards. they were having economic war with germany and japan and then when japan finally attacked, we just kept doing what we were doing before. only now we had the reason for military involvement
It was what helped us become a superpower. If euromutts didn't break out into war twice last century, we'd be poor and irrelevant.
it is probably the most lied about event in history. you might want to do your homework
It was impossible for Germany to win. Incorporating foreigners like that was just the dying breath of a dead empire
No because the USSR was part of the winners.
i literally stopped reading your delusional post 1 sentence in.
>everything i don't like is Zig Forums and i am a big baby
that might be true, but they were incorporating non-germans because they needed people to fight, not because they wanted to give everyone a good opportunity
those people would still get gassed if Hitler had taken over their countries
(I'm talking about his Arab and African legion and so on)
so the bad AND dumb guys won? this keeps getting worse.... there's a timeline out there where the west isn't a joke
>If euromutts didn't break out into war twice last century, we'd be poor and irrelevant.
not true US was already an economic power in 1900. the only thing ww1 and ww2 did was knock europe down pegs for us to overtake
Not true. By the late XIX century you had already surpassed Europe economically.
your boldest general thought that as well
>forgetting lend lease
there is 0 reason to engage with a delusional person like yourself, i sent you a link to pol because there is a bunch of other like minded schizos like yourself there and i'll think you'll be comfortable there
Or maybe he would declare them honorary aryan, like he did with the few jews he liked
there is it
took you long enough
it's the same idea
Patton is overrated. Probably a schizo as well
>even named the jew
Chapotrannybros, why am I supposed to disagree with this again?
what does that have to do with my post? also lend lease didn't really kick in until after all the decisive battles in the eastern front were already fought. though it did help later
not exactly a good defence there buddy
that would only happen to the soldiers that helped him and not the rest of their country
Japan should have won but Germany should have lost
You guys are so fucking cool. I love both of you.
seething chud