This just happened in my city

this just happened in my city

Attached: VID-20201216-WA0032.webm (848x480, 2.81M)

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looks like a tom & jerry episode

Here is your soundtrack king

>Brazilian flag
>security cam

Already knew what was going to happen.

Everyday I thank God for giving me the grace of not being born in Brazil

part 2

Attached: VID-20201216-WA0031.webm (848x480, 2.92M)

LMAOOO his bro just fucking dipped, I would do the same thing desu

well, you were born in amerikkka, that's really not much better

>shootings dont happen in the US


what an amateur cunt

And? Its average day in life.

I'm proud to be an American
For the most part at least..
They don't, can confirm

Just wait after Joe Biden inaguration and trump supporters start seething hard. You'll country will turn into Iraq

>shootings in Brazil
Gib money hueheuehuehuehue
>shootings in Mexico
Gib drug route control jejejejeje
>shootings in USA
black lives matter BANG BANG BANG
sir you just passed a red light PAM PAM PAM PAM
this is a citizens arrest for wearing a mask and dispresepcting god BANG BANG BANG
I am a white incel BANG BANG BANG BANG

>The corporation was called at 3:30 pm to answer the incident. According to PM Lieutenant Gustavo Arantes, the sniper worked at the hardware store for over 15 years and was fired a year ago.

damn what'd he do for a whole year? play video games then decide he's gonna shoot a nigga? lmaooooo

>Everyday I thank God for giving me the grace of not being born in *bbbrrraaaappp* *sharts in pants* Ohhh dis foreskin too spicy *snip* *snip* *claps* *leaves tip* *gets shot*

Attached: 1604953627002.gif (480x480, 2.49M)

probably gathering courage and money for the gun

Not nearly often enough do I thank god for giving me the grace of not being born in the Americas.


could be me

keep being a cunt and it'll happen in your new life

>Goes out to fucking murder people
>hurr durr still gotta bring my mask so everyone is safe
Wtf is wrong with these people?

you're right

bald guy tried to use him as a human shield and he came back for him lmfao what a retard

to not be stopped at the entrance i guess

come to america

these got me dead lmao

would have killed them both you gimps fuck up EVERYTHING

I don't speak your language explain why did he kill himself?