Are Brazilians Latinos? Pic related is Brazilian but call herself latina. Lots of comments from Spanish speaking latinx saying she isn’t a real latina.
Are Brazilians Latinos? Pic related is Brazilian but call herself latina...
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I have met a few Brazilian people here. They all called themselves Latino/latina
Latino is an american mental illness just like how in their deranged minds Spanish and Russian people aren't white.
>Brazil is an american country
>Brazil speaks portuguese, a latin language
>Therefore, Brazil is a latin american country
if you're talking about geographical location, then yes we are latinos
if you're talking about culture/ethnicities then no we are not
Also this, "latino" isn't a race and americans don't know what they are talking about when it comes to race
Why do all Brazilian women have this head shape? Especially the ones in porn.
>Are Brazilians Latinos?
N-A-O Não
Are those French niggas in Canada Latinos? They speak a Latin language too
What difference except portugese ancestors do you have? You got slaves from the same place as the spanish and you all mixed with the same indians. Portugal and spain are neighbors too
What a transphobe
it's latinx
It's a parda thing, too much mix
Post some sample pictures por favor
No, I have only heard people on 4xhan say this. Literally no one in real life should consider someone from Quebec a Latino. They way the term Latino/latina gets thrown around here is basically anyone from centeral or south america, to be quite honest
It was some french dude who called us latinos to drive a wedge between us and Spain and it stuck, latinos dont exist, they dissapeared hundred years ago.
We are amerindians mixed with iberian and other europo*d blood to some degree
We got so much immigrants from the rest of the world that the portuguese becomes irrelevant like the slaves
>you all mixed with the same indians
yes but the amount of indigenous blood in your average latino is a lot higher than in your average brazilian
>What difference except portugese ancestors do you have?
Brazil is diverse as fuck and as a result we have a lot of ethnicities here that you won't find in large numbers on countries such as Colombia and Peru
Latino=latin language mutt with iberian ancestry
Gina Valentina, jessie rogers, the list goes on..
Brazil is not latin american, only latinx try to force this shit on us.
Zig Forums should meme it into a real conversation on twitter and spread it from there. Incels managed to make the ok sign a white power symbol normies literally believe
You got Italians - Argentina got Italians
You got Arabs - Mexico got Arabs
You got Germans - Chile got Germans
Very unqiue.
"Latino" is a made up catch all term americans made up for everything Mexico and bellow.
Nope. Brazil is brazilian.
>latina power
i'd rather for people to take the hex code of their skin and instead post "#hexcode" power, then it would at least feel actually great to find someone else with the same exact hex to you.
>Lots of comments from Spanish speaking latinx saying she isn’t a real latina.
what the fuck is wrong with everybody who cares about this nonsense
Now put it all those in one country
You forgot the Slavics (especially Russians and Polish) and Asians (Japanese and Chinese)
They are right, see.
Brazil is not latin american. Only cucked people buy this shit, thank god most of us don't fall for this meme.
mix all of those and send their largest numbers here and you got the Brazilian south
other countries might have X group as a minority and that's about it, Brazil has most of those groups and in large numbers
but I'm not just saying it in an ethnical POV, culture changes a lot from Bolivia to Brazil and so on
they are americans
I'm amazonian
>Latina Power
What are Latinx powerful at?
>moors and mongols
>moors mixed with amerindians
Brazilians are black, they are the defense force of
they are
we're not
>i suffer as a dog
you're being pampered for the rest of your life and get to fuck hot women, literally the perfect existence