Are stores open during nights in your cunt? I'm so hungry and everything here is closed

Are stores open during nights in your cunt? I'm so hungry and everything here is closed...

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just go for a fucking kebab or if you have a car drive to a gas station and get chips and dip

Because of covid a lot of grocery stores aren't open 24 hours anymore. Sheetz near me is open 24/7 if I'm hungry.

Ye, . everything is open, only on weekends they close

No....stores used to close at 6pm but thank God they stay open till 10pm now.

dude literally nothing is open

There are some 24/7 stores. But in small towns they usually close before midnight.

>just go for a fucking kebab or if you have a car drive to a gas station
Not OP but when he says "everything is closed" he means it.
I live in an average sized town and the pizzeria closes at 22:00 and the gas station at 23:00, it's self service for fuel only after that.

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go hunting in the woods

What happens when you run out of toilet påper and need to shit at 2am?

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Normal shops close around 5 or 6pm
Supermarkets close around 10 or 11pm
Most petrol stations are 24/7 but small towns etc might only have self-service during the night.

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oh ffs then he can wait less than 3 hours before something opens. I'm fucking sick and tired of people from sweden complaining about the most mundane shit.
Try living in a shithole like the rest of us for a month and you won't complain about going hungry for 8 hours. Fucking tutorial cunt.

i refuse to believe that a country with neetbux doesnt have 24h stores

No. Covid lockdown is in effect.

we're under curfew again. cant go out.

There's two 24/7 markets next to me and 24/7 McDonald's so I'm safe even during the night time.

>self service for fuel only after that.
How else would you fill your tank?

walmart changed its hours but gas stations are still 24 hours and you can still go inside and get m&ms or whatever the fuck

I think he means you can't go into the shop, only pay with card at the fuel pump

>i refuse to believe that a country with neetbux doesnt have 24h stores
We don't. Maybe Stockholm because it's the capital but I live in a 10k population town and it's dead after 23:00.

Slovenia isn't a third world country


our minimum wage is 800€ and beer in a store costs 1€, cigarettes cost 4€ a, gram of weed 10€.
So piss off viking.

I can get a hot meal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

smoking weed and ciggs is for degenerate subhumans so I don't understand how that would be a problem

>cigarettes cost 4€ a, gram of weed 10€
Cheap as fuck.

Moving to Slovenia. How hard is Slovene?


You guys don't have online food services?


Fucking hell, I leave the office at 4:30. I would have to grocery shop on the weekends or before work.

we don't have a minimum wage, you can earn 50€ a month if you accept it
we can't buy beers above 3.5% abv in normal stores and they usually cost around 1.2-1.6€
our cheapest cigarettes are around 4€