What is your father’s opinion of America?

What is your father’s opinion of America?

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Same as everything else. Hates it.

he wants to fuck the first lady

My dad drives a 59 Cadillac in showroom condition and owns an American style 50's diner.

im gonna move to sweden and firebomb his restaurant for being racist

how am i supposed to know hes been dead for 6 years

my dad's brain is too fried because of all the coke to form any opinions on anything.

Is that Hunter Biden?

"The worst thing that has the USA is its illegal immigrants"

"Original americans (white americans) are civilized people that value work and morals"

"USA is what it is because of its people (white americans)"

"Americans (white americans) are well organized people that value community.

"USA might be the bad guy in history, but also the smart guy"

My dad basically praises white americans and american lifestyle from before 1960's, he thinks that blacks, mexicans and others are bringing down the country.

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never heard him mention america once in my life, can imagine after showing him 3 pictures he would think you are all mongrels that need wiping off the map

you’re dad sounds based

He watches too much TV so he keeps telling me how Trump is horrible and how terribly unfair USA is in general and i tell him that we live in France and we shouldnt care about degenerate americans

Attached: chad biden.jpg (912x1024, 67.94K)

Love/Hate like every people.
Nobody can love or hate completely americans

Shaped by soviet propaganda prevalent in finnish society during his youth. Later influenced by Finnish standard of living propaganda giving you the impression that the United States is a developing country. This especially during the bush regime.

Your dad is cucked.

The duality of America


> my dad could get psyop’d by Zig Forums memes just like I did
Apple never does fall far from the tree I guess.

He does not care
florida is a vacation spot

He has well-balanced opinions.

He thinks it's a great country that's rapidly turning shitty. I don't think he cares for any other nation.

Who's bottom left?

Redpilled hate

>chad biden.jpg

Attached: masketta soy cairn breev.jpg (555x631, 76K)

it's the first usa related picture i found on my hard drive, have an american dragon

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>i tell him that we live in France and we shouldnt care about degenerate americans
sad that a son must say this to his father

He doesnt care because he isnt American.

He says the US fight too many wars for nothing and they should care more about work and not war

It's pretty shit but Communism can fix it.


like their movies, that's all

he worked there in his 20's and has quite close american cousins so probably pretty positive

He just shakes his head in disgust whenever the usual neo-marxist shit appears on the news. The only American thing he enjoys is Indiana Jones movies