Invest in Mexico pls
Invest in Mexico pls
no no
gib me money to invest
Too green, needs orange filter
I want to visit Mexico desu
not on your fucking life kid
Bros, Tesla was about to install a plant here but backed down after clashing with AMLo's guvmint, wtf
nuke m*x*c* and holocaust the survivors
Usa protos
It wasnt because of amlo. Every major tech corporation with pro-drumpfs CEOs are moving to texas (see oracle and hp)
tesla sells 0 cars makes no difference.
I'd rather invest in Ukraine
We could just have expropiated that bitch and with the sonora lithium monopolize the whole energy car market. It was one in a lifetime chances of actually becoming a developed nation
heard they were looking to intall one in Guanajuato recently
Rubles are worthless anyway
you need to be over 18 to post here
>expropriating tesla assets
That's a heavy round of sanctions if not straight up killing Nafta for real.
> Noooo you cant expropiate the rich in order to develop your nation because muh international agreemenets
Good for you, Tesla Inc. is practically a ponzi scheme.
> Killing nafta
> Bad thing
This looks like a city I made in Cities: Skylines. Does look comfy though
How much you need?
Invest in New Zealand please
>da gubmint fault!
Cringe, kys seething r/mexico retard
18 please then come back
thanks JEFF
About three fiddy