Brazil is going to have a nuclear sub in 2030 and we will be able to make our subs and jet fighters soon :)
Brazil is going to have a nuclear sub in 2030 and we will be able to make our subs and jet fighters soon :)
We should privatise our army
We should extinguish our army
They only waste our money to destroy our democracy with US influence from time to time and they can't even do their basic job of preventing ilegal drugs and guns from entering the country
hello r*ddit
cringe lulafag, brasil and usa will rule the americas together
>they can't even do their basic job of preventing ilegal drugs and guns from entering the country
LOL. I can't believe people actually believe anyone is meant to prevent "illegal drugs" to going anywhere.
probably nuclear boom bom
>T. Avid reader of olavo de carvalho
Ntpyart. Olavo is just Bannon translate for the avarage brazilian that can't understand english, desu.
Olavo is a lunatic my fellow reedditor. Would you be willing to fully submit the armed forces of your nation so that you could pass foreign agendas my friend?
RIP bettynho zirigdum
I want a proletariats militia, not a burgoise army
why would we want that?
Why do you want an SSN? You don't have any mortal enemy and you can't really project your power with one nuclear attack sub. Fighter jets assmig you starting from bottom up, will take at least 15 years to get a TD or start series production by then world will be moving to 5th and 6th gen aircraft.
yes, proletariat militia that serves the interests of multinationals and the UN, not really the interests of national entities
I didn't knew mexicans was aware of Olavo.
>serves the interests of multinationals and the UN, not really the interests of national entities
That would be our regular army
We do have to deal with France and the US navy, also we suffer really heavily to defend our seacoast, especially atlantic islands.
I mean the reason we got coup'd in 64, was because the american carrier was able to get unscathed to the southeast seacoast of Brazil. Also France, despite not having the capability to strike on land has the power to basically disrupt all of our seacoast if needed. It's basically a way to assert our sovereignty over the Amazon and the Brazilian atlantic
Ah yes the brazilian army that is so proud of defending and develop the Amazon is clearly the ones that want to hand it over to foreign interests, and they are also the ones trying to disrupt the social fabric by promoting racism daily on the news
30 iq fellows brazilians
You're a retard if you really think that
Our army is the only reason we have any nationalism left
Fucking neck yourself.
If you want deterrence then even diesel subs along with ASW enabled aircrafts can help, investing in minesweepers, diesel subs are cheap alternative in comparison to SSN.
Well, the main goal is not simply deterrence but really to be the leader of South America, so probably at some time there will be some power friction with european powers and the US over their influence in the region
The south is not even part of merdil, we haven't changed our flag because we can't agree on the new one, and we still pay federal taxes out of pity for the northeasters.
lefitsts angry because they know their real powerful opposition is in the army, not in the streets, so the "ban them please!!"
If the south tries anything you will all be death in a week
The true power lies on the Southeast you're just a bunch of rednecks without gun
The army is the one institution in this country that keeps domestic engineering and research afloat. They were also extremely protectionist back in the Junta era, which helped developed local industry.
We dont have any nationalism. Brazilian army just fucked us over and over since 1889
Developing military tech is a good way of developing domestic industry and the research apparatus needed to build this sort of stuff.
People forget that hundreds of thousands of engineers and laborers are employed by these projects.
>and we still pay federal taxes out of pity for the northeasters.
The southern states are broke as fuck dawg, bow down to your Lebanese masters in SP
>The southern states are broke as fuck
fake news
the army or the revolutionaries that constantly tried to subvert people and take power since the communist revolution?
The army should concern itself with external threats. Thats their purpose.
The army are parasites. They dont care about anything as long as their pensions keep coming. The president knows this, and this is why they received a raise this year.
They accepted without conplaining more than one decade of leftist government.
I used to listen to Jeff Nyquist, thats how
They should test it on bolsonaro supporters.
the army protects the country both internally and externally, through the interaction with security agencies such as the federal police, military police, etc
Any source about the army being against foreign investments on Brazil?
We have no nationalism at all.
The army, of course. Do you know your own history? The army have always been the most corrupt institution of Brazil, just look at the "República das espadas".
That was Lula's foreign politics, but we abandoned it with Bolsonaro.
There's no interests in leading anything now. Trump was choosen by God to lead the west, after all
Their government wasnt great as it could have been. 21 years there and they just killed 3k socialists? they should never have gave up the power to those scum after
based, follow our path brazilbro, bootlickers should neck themselves
This country needs to die
seethe chuds
corrupt army?
>República das espadas
the naval force angry that the army got the respect and power they should have had since the end of the paraguayan war but didn't because of D. Pedro II's love for the naval force? Floriano Peixoto simply put the spoiled naval force in their place, Deodoro da Fonseca didn't have the balls to do it
The sin of brazilian army was the deposal of Dom Pedro II
socialists armed with powerful equipment from the soviet union through cuba, and trained in guerilla tactics** in a time period that the army wasn't trained to fight in the jungle biome