Does your country have people like this?
Does your country have people like this?
white """""""""people"""""""""
Blacks and whites?
what are the odds that they spitroast her? 90%?
Der Bommer
Guys read the actual story, they got into a car accident with her daughter and they felt so bad they paid for the funeral and visited her every weekend
>how white people deal with their children's killers
How black people deal with their children's killers:
>Amy Biehl was a bright, determined Stanford graduate who ventured to South Africa on a Fulbright scholarship to work in the anti-apartheid movement during its explosive final months before Mandela would become president.
>She worked alongside her black comrades to register voters, and she longed to address the poverty of their squalid townships, believing that economic change was critical for any meaningful transformation. She was giving two of them a ride home when the blue-eyed blonde became a target for four angry youths who’d just left a rally where militants were calling for the death of privileged white settlers.
>Despite the desperate objections of her ANC colleagues that she was ‘a comrade’, Amy was stoned and stabbed to death on a road in Guguletu township on the very corner that her parents would soon be calling ‘The Spot of Hope’.
>Peter and Linda Biehl left their gated community in wealthy Orange County, motivated and haunted by reading Amy’s diaries. They flew to Cape Town and toured the townships where Amy worked and talked with her friends about the unemployment problem. Peter was a businessman, and with money pouring in to honor their daughter’s noble cause, they began to organize one development project after another—welding, sewing, a print shop, a bakery, a construction company, sports facilities, and adult literacy programs.
Fake and gay, she was killed by
>But the most startling development of all was the loving relationship that developed between Amy’s parents and her killers.
>“People say, ‘well I couldn’t get together with people that harmed my loved one,’ but forgiveness is really about liberating yourself—letting go, so you can be free of hate and bitterness. It’s really a one-way street that doesn’t need the other person to do anything… Reconciliation is a different step. It’s really hard work.”
>Their reconciliation process began when they talked with Bishop Desmond Tutu, who was setting up the country’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and would win the Nobel Peace Prize for it. The Biehls knew that amnesty would be granted to the young men whose crimes were politically motivated, and they wanted to participate to “honor” the country’s healing process.
>“We did not expect to have a relationship with them, but two of the young men, after they were released from prison, saw that things hadn’t changed in their community, and they wanted to help. They had the courage to come to us, to our foundation, which was bringing jobs to young people—and we admired that,” Linda Biehl told Good News Network by telephone from Cape Town before Saturday’s anniversary celebrations began. “They were considered by some of their former comrades to be selling out to the all-American dollar.”
>Easy Nofomela and Ntobeko Peni began working for the foundation. Easy still works there today. Ntobeko (pronounced, Tobecko) gleaned every bit of business wisdom from Peter and became a successful entrepreneur who started a laundromat, driving service, and more.
>“As time went on we became very close,” she continued. “I’m very proud of Easy and Ntobeko. They traveled to America with me to speak at conferences and it’s been very positive. That is Amy’s gift to all of us—she brought us all together.”
>“I don’t know how they found it in their hearts to forgive us, but I can tell you that it has greatly enriched my life,” Ntobeko told a reporter in 2001. “I will never forget the kindness they have shown me when they had every reason to hate me.”
>“They call me ‘Makulu’,” Linda laughed, explaining it means grandmother. “Young people here were really looking for parenting during the struggle. They kind of adopted us into their village—it was pretty amazing.”
>Perhaps the most touching moment for Linda, whose husband died in 2002, was the time Ntobeko asked her to wear a traditional Xhosa outfit to his wedding.
>“He never really knew his mother so when he asked me to be ‘that person’, I realized he was really asking me to be his family. Someone did up my blonde hair in little puffs, and it was very joyful,” she recalled fondly.
>Many other lives were touched by the Biehls’s selfless dedication. Victor West, the ambulance driver who attended Amy had a very hard time dealing with her death because people accused him of not saving her. It lead to substance abuse problems until he finally told mental health officials that he would like to meet her parents.
>They had dinner with him, and asked what they could do to help. Victor said he taught first aid and maybe he could do that for the Foundation. So they launched a program of teaching CPR and first aid to thousands of township residents in schools, prisons and community groups—and Victor never touched alcohol since that day.
>“It grew so much that he and his wife then started their own program called Bounce Back,” says Linda. “That was our hope, that people would find their own skills and confidence and go out and do these things on their own. As I look back, that is our real success story.”
>murder girl
>get away with it
>go to girls mom for gibs
>obliges because she’s a brain rotted lib
>Friends and colleagues gathered on August 25 in the rain and cold, with Linda and members of the community, to sing songs and mark the quarter-century since Amy’s death. They gathered on the road where the U.S. State Department had placed a large marker, describing her as a tireless human rights activist.
>“As much as it was a bad thing that happened, everyone drives by it every day. My husband and I drove by it for years,” explained Linda. “We realized that it’s a part of the community and we wanted to not make it a bad or sad place, and thought, ‘Let’s make it a place of hope.’”
>Most certainly, there would have been no hope without forgiveness: “We were raised in a Congregational Church when Peter and I were growing up in Illinois, and he taught Christian ethics to junior high kids. If people are really living their Christian values—or their Muslim values or Jewish values—there is always the element of forgiveness, but often people aren’t able to live up to that value.”
>“It’s one of the things that was important to us, that we not be hypocritical; it was important that we don’t say one thing and do something else. It was important to try to do what we believe, and act out in a positive way.”
>Even though Linda doesn’t run the foundation anymore and she spends most of her time in California and Florida with her children and their families, she still travels and gives speeches—and enjoys coming back to South Africa. It is the place where Amy feels most alive to her.
>“I still get recognized around town by a lot of the Township folks, which is kind of fun. To hear, ‘Oh, you’re back…’ it’s heartwarming.”
Both parents are clearly narcissists who never really loved their daughter in the first place, no parent who genuinely loves their kid would react this way.
yes, we have white w*men
they shoulda let him pull the trigger himself
What the fuck.
>fake tabloid article
this isnt 2016
>As she drove three friends home to the township of Gugulethu, outside Cape Town, on August 25, 1993, a mob pulled her from the car and stabbed and stoned her to death.[2][3] The attack on the car driven by her was one of many incidents of general lawlessness on the NY1 road that afternoon. Bands of toyi-toying youths threw stones at delivery vehicles and cars driven by white people. One delivery vehicle was toppled over and set alight, and only the arrival of the police prevented more damage. There was evidence that some of the possessions belonging to her and the passengers were stolen.[4]
>According to Rex van Schalkwyk, in his 1998 book One Miracle Is Not Enough, "Supporters of the three men accused of murdering [her]… burst out laughing in the public gallery of the Supreme Court today when a witness told how the battered woman groaned in pain." (pp. 188–89.) Four people were convicted of killing her.[5]:17–18
>In 1998, all were pardoned by South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, when they stated that their actions had been politically motivated.[1]:71
>Biehl's family supported the release of the men.[1]:71 Her father shook their hands and stated,
>The most important vehicle of reconciliation is open and honest dialogue... we are here to reconcile a human life [that] was taken without an opportunity for dialogue. When we are finished with this process we must move forward with linked arms.[6]
If only you knew how bad things really are
fucking based
>In 1998, all were pardoned by South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission, when they stated that their actions had been politically motivated.
Based this is basically America's future.
In 20 years blacks will be allowed to kill whites and get away with it legally by just saying they were doing it for political activism as part of the Black Lives Matter Party.
good thing I'm Mexican
do white "men" really?
White women will do anything for BBC.
Why do niggers and women make it so hard not to fucking hate them.
fortunately nope
christ can't wait for canada to become a civilized country and allow capital punishment
>Only Blacks were pardoned by the Trust And Reconciliation Commission
All those Apartheid regime monsters who committed gross human rights atrocities where people are still missing today were also pardoned.
Somalis are black? I thought they were a diff race they always say they're not black lmfao
>According to Rex van Schalkwyk, in his 1998 book One Miracle Is Not Enough, "Supporters of the three men accused of murdering [her]… burst out laughing in the public gallery of the Supreme Court today when a witness told how the battered woman groaned in pain." (pp. 188–89.) >Four people were convicted of killing her.
>Biehl's family supported the release of the men.[1]:71 Her father shook their hands and stated: "The most important vehicle of reconciliation is open and honest dialogue... we are here to reconcile a human life [that] was taken without an opportunity for dialogue. When we are finished with this process we must move forward with linked arms."
lmao anglos are fucked in the head
Why can't brown people get some of this blind love?