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Landon Murphy
Jack James
Why are americans so bad at war?
Is It the weight?
Caleb Reed
American started losing wars as soon as Harry Truman desegregated the military.
Brody Allen
Thomas Jackson
reminder that if they just listened to Lemay and dropped the big one, the war would’ve been over and won
Isaac Perez
Jackson Butler
America is a Continent my dude
Isaiah Bennett
It's not, actually. There's North America and South America, but the only "America" is the United States of America.
Nathaniel Perry
I recently encountered a Zig Forumsfag who tried arguing that the confederacy was the "real winner" of the civil war recently. That was a new one.
Isaac Fisher
Do dixies really
Nathaniel Hughes
do not engage with beaners espousing this bolivarian non sense
Jonathan Reyes
we were building a nice mountain of dead gooks until we were forced to go home
Jason Evans
If you use the same Vietnam-tier memes it technically can be argued that way.
Kayden Anderson
Lincoln died before he could do his reforms how is that wrong?
William Ross
Ryder Bailey
>"Hey guys, I just need you to hang by this street sign for a photo."
Ryan Lewis
They are aways editing and reediting this ond
Grayson Collins
19 and a bit years
Eli Flores
I did that one. I just left in all the shit that alludes to the communist victory and all the things they benefited from, but just changed it to say America one because according to them apparently that's how it happened.
Mason Jackson
Fuck I need to sleep.
Hudson Rogers
Parker Ward
communism defeated, big win for us
Blake Cooper
ummm sweetie? sit down and have a burger.
Brayden Rivera
The US's last conventional war was the Gulf War which was an absolute stomp.
LeMay didn't want to nuke Vietnam, he just wanted to be more aggressive with conventional bombing. The nukes were for China if they got involved.
Julian Powell
it is the only region in the US with anything that could resemble a culture so he's partly right
Jayden Bell
Slavery was abolished and they didn't secede
Oliver Morgan
Amerikkka btfo!
Henry Harris
This is image strikes fear in the hearts of the ameriMUTTs
Asher Wilson
>greatest country in the world loses war to hungry farmers with the body of 12 year old girls
Zachary Turner
>american victory
>withdrawal of u.s. forces from vietnam
>communist regime took over vietnam
sure why not?
Leo White
Round two is starting soon
Connor Ward
Sebastian Jenkins
They didnt defeat the taliban either. Goes to show enough determination and conviction can really defeat a military superior foe
Xavier Scott
>be usa
>put sanctions on china for electronics in his trade war
>wants to force companies to abandon china and coming home to the usa
>instead companies moves to vietnam
>put now sanctions on vietnam for this
>wants to force companies to abandon vietnam and coming home to the usa
>instead companies will move to .........
>*repeat nonstop*
Brandon Rivera
Aaron Thomas