American here. How to take care of a Swedish male partner?

American here. How to take care of a Swedish male partner?

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Help me! What should I feed him? What should I give him as presents?

tits or gtfo whore!

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i want his COCK in my MOUTH

you made this thread already
are you the same nutcase who ask swedes to post vocaroos and then reply with really sexual comments?

>People posted sexual vocaroos

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He’s a hockey player on an NHL team

no some american femcel keeps asking for swedes to post vocaroos of them saying literally normal sentences, and then she replies with "OH MY GOD you made me cum with this~~"
it's not even hot it's fucking weird

Did you post your own vocaroo?

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Yeah I posted literally just a regular sentence

he cute

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There’s people turned on by that. They like exotic and think the accent/language sounds exotic. As long as they aren’t mocking your language or using you it’s not that bad.

>How to take care of a Swedish male partner?
you rim him thoroughly and fuck, feed and breed him daily... just regular man-love

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it's fucking weird

stop kinkshaming

>tfw literally can't tell if it's sarcasm or not
tumblr users...smdh...

can i have a swedish bf too?

i say let op have her fun. so what if she's into swedes and is a bit weird about it

She has no idea what you said. To you, you speak and listen to Swedish everyday so it’s mundane.
There’s people who date French and Spanish people to hear them speak the language.

I like having to be a part of it unintentionally

also she's a nut who should take a long look in the mirror

i don't like having to be a part of it unintentionally**

it's really nice (and kinda hot) to hear other languages/accents

if you don't like it just don't reply to her posts user. i'm sure some other swede would entertain her

You live in South America so you probably hear all different versions of Spanish-language accents. That’s awesome.

nah fuck her

I know a bunch of people into swedes.
Take it as a compliment and don’t stress it.

Not really since I don't go out much haha
but I'm really into yuro guys so I like Euro accents. not a fan of other latam accents

no user she'd like that!

It’s different. People are attracted to different.
An Argentine in the US could find people attracted to their Argentine style, accent. They might find the way you do things a little weird but be cool with it.

she's a certified creep though, she's been on here for like 4 years

This Swedish athlete probably has a bunch of American hoes and booty calls in his contact list lol