Is Racism a problem in your cunt?

Depends what you define as a problem i guess.

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Why not?

Attached: Aussie riot.jpg (1488x763, 325.73K)

Yes, people with darker skin and african features are often targeted by the police and seen as criminals just because of it. But besides that, most of society isn't actually racist, just classist. I'm brown and never got any problem with racism and never got approached by the police either

You like every single race of people on this planet with no exceptions?

That kid is living the dream. There's no way the bunch of girls could kill him or even seriously injure them. If he figured this out he'd pretend to "fight back" in order to grope them all over.


black people will get shot by the police for jaywalking

this is not at all problematic.

Yes but it comes in the form of classism.
People assumes you're poor and low class for your skin tone. It's not even about commiting crime, but just hate towards the socioeconomic status

there is nothing wrong with this, go back to africa nigger.

God i wish that was me.

>just because of it

they are actually criminals, but leftists only point out that they were black, because... propaganda

Brazil has black people..?
Like from Africa?
Since when?
Which Africans?

You need to work more on that bait, Bruce. You're destroying aussie reputation.

>Is Racism a problem in your cunt?
no, people of different skin colors live here lovingly and peacefully

Attached: black-and-white.webm (960x680, 2.99M)

some look very dark but most are the medium to dark brown, but they are considered black here by leftists so we call them what they want us to call them, black... criminals

Based Germany

>Steal country from natives
>Riot when people try to give native rights
What time period is Australia in?

Attached: Pooftas Fuck off.png (500x500, 32.09K)

>"""seen""" as criminals

What world do you live in?
Aboriginals have their own country inside Australia and they own a considerable portion of the land.
The video in the OP was a race riot against Lebos that bashed the life guards on a beach.

>just because of it
yep, nothing to do with the skin color of the majority of criminals...

Also Aboriginal land is literally an ethno state, You can not enter it without permission.

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Jaywalkers are not human

People who stop traffic just so they can cross a street are cunts.
I verbally abuse people who actually press those fucking buttons that turn traffic lights red.

As a white person I'm constantly affected by racism from both whites and non-whites

more like aussie aping

imagine the smell

>I verbally abuse people who actually press those fucking buttons that turn traffic lights red.
Autism. Do you never walk you fatass?