1 crore case edition
Other urls found in this thread:
someone told me c**n is a racist word. what is the word tho?
I guess c00n...it's a slur used against natives of USA, Australia and Nz....
Replace the asterisks with O's and it becomes a racial slur for black people in America, because crackas thought they looked like raccoons when they took off their clothes after toiling in the hot sun as slaves all day
Why do they wear the turban?
Why do you wear a lungi?
added an Zig Forums board on 108ch. it's not public yet. pls make all foreigners here know about it's existence.
Possible malware don't open the link
where are the north vs south biters when you relly need them?
I've never worn a lungi before. Only worn a veshtis, and it's quite nice for wearing when going to the restroom at night.
wrong analogy, bros.
Man lungis are so cringe we need Greater Bihar again
>tributary states
also image for ants
no. cope
He's most likely collecting people's IPs. He has been posting it since very long time.
Why did we change Pataliputra to Patna? Sounds very underwhelming and inferior compared to its predecessor
user you have made good website
But please if you have my IP, delete it
Think of me like your brother
Here's a screenshot of the page: imgur.com
What? No. I don't store IPs for anyother intention other than banning people. Your IPs are also deleted when threads are bumped off the catalog.
>What? No. I don't store IPs for anyother intention other than banning people. Your IPs are also deleted when threads are bumped off the catalog.
lol. As if I have any reason to believe you in the first place.
If you don't believe me, that's fine. But don't spread rumours. Truths are truths.
smelly pajeets
kek. All of you hackers say the same lol.
Look I made a meme
Inshallah brother convert to islam now
brother convert to islam now
all your sins will be forgiven
You pay tributaries, you're tributary state
Simple as
based. I ate a lot of onions yesterday.
brother door to islam is still open for you brother
come to islam now
Brits were unable to pronounce it maybe. Fucks changed a lot of places.
Look at my meme
Also why i am rangebanned by janny from posting images?
brother convert to islam now
72 + 2 virgins if you convert before 31 December